Strategic Plan Implementation Framework
Implementation Framework
To effect the targets and meet the vision, mission and core values established by The UWI over the planning cycle, all strategic business units within the institution will have to execute on projects and programmes in order to make the Revenue Revolution a reality.
Emanating from the wider cross-section consultation at both the campus and the university level, a plethora of initiatives have been put forward from the various execution arms in order to drive the Revenue Revolution.
In addition to critical transformational initiatives from the operational business units that will be used to drive the Revenue Revolution, the Vice-Chancellery, the key administrative support arm of The UWI system will also be pursuing a number of operational initiatives to support the Revenue Revolution.
The Implementation Plan
Each initiative will have a number of critical tasks and activities that will have to be achieved in order to realize the outcomes for The UWI. The UOP developed an electronic version of the balanced scorecard that will be used as the management tool to monitor, evaluate and report on the Plan. The various scorecards are built at both the level of the Campuses and the wider University to monitor progress on initiatives, key performance indicators, risks and outcomes.
The Planning Officers on each campus will be responsible for uploading data into the integrated information system which will then be used to monitor and report on performance on a quarterly basis. These reports will be presented using the dashboard system in the scorecard. The results and outcomes on the 10 objectives, 15 KPIs and 15 initiatives will be presented at each University Finance and General Purposes Meeting and the wider UWI Council each academic year. Campuses will also show their own scorecard at their respective governance meetings as well.
Accountability in the Implementation of the Strategic Plan
The scorecards are built with an accountability framework in place. At the campus level, although the Campus Principal is ultimately responsible for the scorecard, Deans will have direct responsibility for faculty scorecards and heads of departments will have responsibility for departmental scorecards, which will all be aggregated to produce the campus scorecard.
The scorecards are built with an accountability framework in place. At the Campus level, although the Campus Principal is responsible for the overall scorecard, Deans will have direct responsibility for faculty scorecards and heads of Departments will have responsibility for Departmental scorecards, which will all be aggregated to produce the Campus scorecard. Similarly, administrators such as Registrars, Bursars, Pro Vice-Chancellors, etc., will have scorecards that feed into the Campus and the Vice Chancellery, designed along the lines of their executive reporting relationships. This overall accountability and ownership will be key to the effective execution of the Revenue Revolution strategy.