Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies

The Board


Professor Derek Chadee

Board for Undergraduate Studies
Professor and Pro Vice Chancellor
Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies,
University of the West Indies


Dr. Maurice Smith


Professor Sir Hilary Beckles

Deputy Principals

Professor Ian Boxill

Mona Campus

Professor Indar Ramnarine

St. Augustine Campus

Dr. Emily Dick Forde

Open Campus

Professor Winston Moore

Cave Hill Campus

Academic Board Representatives

Dr. Jeanese Badenock

Cave Hill Campus

Professor Troy Lorde

Cave Hill Campus

Professor Silvia Kouwenberg

Mona Campus

Professor Mona Webber

Mona Campus 

Professor Michelle Mycoo

St. Augustine Campus

Dr. Mark Wuddivira

St. Augustine Campus 

Mrs Ceceile Minott

Open Campus

Dr. Glenda Day

Open Campus

Dr. Curtis Charles

Five Islands Campus

Dr. Andrew Hunte

Five Islands Campus

Chair, Committee of Deans

Dr. Brian Cockburn

University Librarian

To be advised

UWIAA Representative

Mr Craig Tuckett

Student Representatives

Mr. Osaźe Moraldo-Bowen

Cave Hill Campus

Ms. Omolora Wilson

Mona  Campus

To Be Advised

St. Augustine Campus

Ms. Christine McCann

Open Campus

Ms. Pascale Kentish

Five Islands Campus