2014 Publications
Asnani MR, Quimby KR, Bennett NR, Francis DK: Interventions for patients and caregivers to improve knowledge of sickle cell disease and recognition of its related complications. The Cochrane Library
Asnani M., Reid M. “Cystatin C: A useful marker of sickle glomerulopathy?” Blood Cells, Molecules and Disease. DOI: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2014.07.018.
Asnani M, Reid, M. ‘Renal function in Adult Jamaicans with Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease’. Hematology. Volume 20, Issue 7 (August, 2015), pp. 422-428. Appeared Online Nov 28, 2014. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1607845414Y.0000000213
Asnani MR, Fraser R, Lewis NA, Reid ME. Depression and loneliness in Jamaicans with sickle cell disease. BMC Psychiatry;10:40.
Baker-Henningham H. “Targeted, preventive interventions in primary school prevent mental health problems in adolescence.” Evidence Based Mental Health 2014-101864. Published online first 30 July 2014.
Baker-Henningham H. “The role of early childhood education in the prevention and promotion of child and adolescent mental health.” International Journal of Epidemiology 43, 2(2014):407-433.
Bennett NR, Ferguson TS, Bennett FI, Tulloch-Reid MK, Younger-Coleman NO, Jackson MD, Samms-Vaughan ME and Wilks RJ (2014). High sensitivity C-reactive protein is related to central obesity and the number of metabolic syndrome components in Jamaican young adults. Cardiovasc. Med.1:12. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2014.00012 Available at: https://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fcvm.2014.00012/abstract
Boyne M.S., Thame M., Osmond C., Fraser R.A., Reid M., Gabay L., Forrester T.E. “The association of puberty with cardiometabolic risk factors in Afro-Caribbean children.” Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 27(2014):453-60.
Duncan JP, Weir P, Strachan S, Tulloch-Reid M. Opportunities for reducing morbidity and mortality due to leading cancers in a developing country. J Public Health (Oxf). 2014 Dec 23. pii: fdu109.
Ferguson TS, Tulloch-Reid MK, Younger-Coleman NO, Wright-Pascoe RA, Boyne MS, Soyibo AK, Wilks RJ. Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease among Patients Attending a Specialist Diabetes Clinic in Jamaica. West Indian Med J, 2015; DOI: 10.7727/wimj.2014.084Available at: https://www.mona.uwi.edu/fms/wimj/article/2094
Fletcher HM, Bennett F, Simms-Stewart D, Reid M, Williams NP, Wharfe GH, et al. Cardiovascular disease risk factors in menopausal Jamaican black women after hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy: an observational study. West Indian Med J Dec; 59(6):625-32.
Francis P.M., Thompson D.S., Barnett A.T., Osmond C., Byrne C.D., HansonM.A., Gluckman P.D., Forrester T.E., Boyne M.S. “Glucose metabolism in adult survivors of severe acute malnutrition.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 99, 6(2014):2233-2240.
Francis DK. Vitamin a supplementation for preventing death and illness in children 6 months to 5 years of age. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jan 14 ;( 8):ED000016. PubMed PMID: 21833975
Gertler P., Heckman J., Pinto R., Zanolini A., Vermeerch C., Walker S., Chang S., Grantham-McGregor S. “Labour market returns to an early childhood stimulation intervention in Jamaica.” Science 344, 6187(2014):998-1001.
Grantham-McGregor S.M., Fernald L.C.H., Kagawa R.M.C., Walker S.P. “Effects of integrated child development and nutrition interventions on child development and nutritional status.” Annals of New York Academy of Science 1308, 1(2014):11-32.
Green C.O., Badaloo A.V., Hsu J.W., Taylor-Bryan C., Reid M., Forrester T., Jahoor F. “Effects of randomized supplementation of methionine or alanine on cysteine and glutathione production during the early phase of treatment of children with edematous malnutrition.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 99, 5(2014):1052-1058.
Gridley N., Hutchings J., Baker-Henningham H. “The Incredible Years parent-toddler programme and parental language: a randomised controlled trial.” Child Care Health and Development (2014). Article first published online: 19 May 2014.
Gupta R, Ejebe K, Butler J, Lettre G, Lyon H, Guiducci C, et al. Association of common DNA sequence variants at 33 genetic loci with blood lipids in individuals of African ancestry from Jamaica. Hum Genet Nov;128(5):557-61.
Harris M, James K, Ferguson TS, Figueroa JP. Glycaemic control among patients with diabetes in primary care clinics in Jamaica; 1995 and 2012. WIMJ Open, 2014; 1(3): 99-102. DOI:10.7727/wimjopen.2014.085 .Available at: https://www.mona.uwi.edu/wimjopen/article/1604
Hsu J.W., Badaloo A.V., Wilson L., Taylor-Bryan C., Chambers B., Reid M., Forrester T., Jahoor F. “Dietary supplementation with aromatic amino acids increases protein synthesis in children with severe acute malnutrition.” Journal of Nutrition 144, 5(2014):660-666.
Jackson MD, McFarlane-Anderson ND, Simon GA, Bennett FI, Walker SP. Urinary phytoestrogens and risk of prostate cancer in Jamaican men. Cancer Causes Control Dec;21(12):2249-2257.Pubmed PMID:20924663.
Knight-Madden J.M., Greenough A. “Acute pulmonary complications of sickle cell disease.” Paediatric Respiratory Reviews15, 1(2014):13-16.
Landis RC, Brown JR, Fitzgerald D, Likosky DS, Shore-Lesserson L, Baker RA, Hammon JW. “Attenuating the Systemic Inflammatory Response to Adult Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A critical Review of the evidence Base” J Extra Corpor Technol 46 (2014), 197-211.
Lester DA, Richards AA, Younger-Coleman NO, Pepple DJ. Cilostazol and blood viscoelasticity in homozygous sickle cell disease. Br J Biomed Sci. 2014;71(4):172-5. PubMed PMID: 25562995.
Melbourne-Chambers R, Clarke D, Gordon-Strachan G, Tapper J, Tulloch-Reid MK. The UWIMONA Pediatric Epileptic Seizure Screening Questionnaire was equivalent to clinical assessment in identifying children with epilepsy. J Clin Epidemiol. 2015 Mar 12. pii: S0895-4356(15)00124-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.10.014. [Epub ahead of print]
Mani K.A., Hoo Sang M., Younger-Coleman N.O., Ferguson T.S. “Ischaemic Heart Disease at the University Hospital of the West Indies: Trends in Hospital Admissions and Inpatient Mortality Rates 2005-2010.”West Indian Medical Journal, 2014; Published-ahead-of-print. Available at: https://myspot.mona.uwi.edu/fms/wimj/article/1799.
Marshall KG, Swaby K, Hamilton K, Howell S, Landis RC, Hambleton IR, Reid M, Fletcher H, Forrester T, McKenzie CA. A preliminary examination of the effects of genetic variants of redox enzymes on susceptibility to oedematous malnutrition and on percentage cytotoxicity in response to oxidative stress in vitro. Ann Trop Paediatr. 2011;31(1):27-36. PubMed PMID: 21262107.
Martí-Carvajal AJ, Knight-Madden JM, Martinez-Zapata MJ. Interventions for treating leg ulcers in people with sickle cell disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Dec 8;12:CD008394. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008394.pub3. Review. PubMed PMID: 25485858.
Melbourne Chambers R., Morrison-Levy N., Chang S., Tapper J., Walker S., Tulloch-Reid M. “Cognition, academic achievement, and epilepsy in school-age children: A case-control study in a developing country.” Epilepsy & Behaviour 33(2014):39-44.
Metzger BE, Persson B, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, Cruickshank JK, Deerochanawong C, et al. Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcome study: neonatal glycemia. Pediatrics Dec;126(6):e1545-52.
Morgan K, Scott J, Parshad-Asnani M, Gibson RC, O’Garo KN, Lowe GA, Edwards D, Abel WD, Reid M, DeLaHaye W and Edwards CL. Associations amongst disease severity, religious coping and depression in a cohort of Jamaicans with sickle-cell disease. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Sept. 2014; Vol. 14 Issue 9. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2014.961910
Morrison E., McFarlane M., Riley C., Younger-Coleman N. “Education to change the course of diabetes in the Caribbean.” Diabetes Voice 59(2014):44.
McDonald RI, Wong GW, Neupane RP, Stahl SS, Landis CR. Enantioselective hydroformylation of N-vinyl carboxamides, allyl carbamates, and allyl ethers using chiral diazaphospholane ligands. J Am Chem Soc Oct 13;132(40):14027-9.
Moscato BM, Zhu B, Landis CR. GPC and ESI-MS analysis of labeled poly(1-hexene): rapid determination of initiated site counts during catalytic alkene polymerization reactions. J Am Chem Soc Oct 20;132(41):14352-4.
Nebor D., Bowers A., Connes P., Hardy-Dessources M.D., Knight-Madden J., Cumming V., Reid M., Romana M. “Plasma concentration of platelet-derived micro-particles is related to painful vaso-occlusive phenotype severity in sickle cell anemia.” PLoS One. 9, 1(2014):e87243.
Nwokocha CR, Younger-Coleman N, Nwokocha M, Owu DU, Iwuala M. Investigation of effects of time of measurement and modes of administration on cadmium accumulation in rat liver under some medicinal plants food supplemented diet. Phcog Res 2014;6:240-5.
Nwokocha C.R., Younger-Coleman N., Nwokocha M., Owu D.U., Iwuala M. “A comparative study of the effect of some nutritional medicinal plants effect on lead accumulation in the liver following different modes of administration.”Pharmacognosy Research. 6, 4(2014):306-311. [Epub ahead of print]
Pinkney JA, Nagassar RP, Roye-Green KJ, Ferguson T. Abiotrophia defectiva endocarditis. BMJ Case Reports. 2014; doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-207361 Available at: https://casereports.bmj.com/content/2014/bcr-2014-207361.short?g=w_casereports_current_tab
Pakseresht M, Sharma S, Cao X, Harris R, Caberto C, Wilkens LR, et al. Validation of a quantitative FFQ for the Barbados National Cancer Study. Public Health Nutr Sep 15:1-9.
Popp BV, Morales CM, Landis CR, Stahl SS. Electronic structural comparison of the reactions of dioxygen and alkenes with nitrogen-chelated palladium(0). Inorg Chem Sep 20;49(18):8200-7.
Quimby KR, Moe S, Sealy I, Nicholls C, Hambleton IR, Landis RC. Clinical findings associated with Homozygous Sickle cell disease in the Barbadian population - Do we need a national SCD registry? BMC Research notes. 2014;7:102
Rankine-Mullings A.E., Knight-Madden J.M., Reid M., Ferguson T.S. “Gangrene of the digits of the right lower limb in a patient with homozygous sickle cell disease and ulcerative colitis.” Clinics and Practice 4, 1(2014):610.
Rayhill S, Schwartz J, Ham J, Carithers R, Lei Y, Bhattacharya R, et al. The use of hepatitis B core antibody-positive donor livers does not appear to have a deleterious effect on graft survival in liver transplantation for hepatitis C. Transplant Proc Dec;42(10):4141-4.
Reid M.E., El Beshlawy A., Inati A., Kutlar A., Abboud M.R., Haynes J. Jr., Ward R., Sharon B., Taher A.T., Smith W., Manwani D.. Ghalie R.G. “A double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study of the efficacy and safety of 2, 2-dimethylbutyrate (HQK-1001), an oral fetal globin inducer, in sickle cell disease.” American Journal Hematology; 89, 7(2014):709-13.
Roberts P.O., Plummer J., Leake P.A., Scott S., de Souza T.G., Johnson A., Gibson T.N, Hanchard B., Reid M. “Pathological factors affecting gastric adenocarcinoma survival in a Caribbean population from 2000-2010.” World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 6, 6(2014):94-100.
Sioka C., Skarulis M.C., Tulloch-Reid M.K., Heiss J.D., Reynolds J.C. "Hidden" bonemetastasis from thyroid carcinoma: a clinical note.”Revista Espanola de Medicina Nuclear e ImagenMoecular. 33,1 (2014):36-38.
Smith J.A., Francis D.K., Ferguson T.S. “Race, Gender and Adiposity in Children.” West Indian Medical Journal. 67, 7(2014): 573-574.
Sumner AE, Thoreson CK, O'Connor MY, Ricks M, Chung ST, Tulloch-Reid MK, Lozier JN, Sacks DB. Detection of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in Africans Is Improved by Combining A1C With Fasting Glucose: The Africans in America Study. Diabetes Care. 2014 Oct 22. pii: DC_141179.
Tennant I.A., Barnett A.T., Kips J., Thompson D.S., Boyne M.S., Chung E., Chung A.P., Osmond C., Hanson M.A., Gluckman P.D., Segers P., Cruickshank J.K., Forrester T.E. “Impaired cardiovascular structure and function in adult survivors of severe acute malnutrition.” Hypertension 64, 3 (2014) 664-671.
Tennant IA, Barnett AT, Kips J, Thompson DS, Boyne MS, Chung EE, Chung AP, Osmond C, Hanson MA, Gluckman PD, Segers P, Cruickshank JK, Forrester TE. Cardiovascular function in adult survivors of severe childhood malnutrition. Hypertension. 2014; 64: 664-71.
Thame MM, Hsu JW, Gibson R, Baker TM, Tang GJ, Badaloo AV, Fletcher HM, Jackson AA, Jahoor F. Adaptation of in vivo amino acid kinetics facilitates increased amino acid availability for fetal growth in adolescent and adult pregnancies alike. Br J Nutr. 2014 Dec 14;112(11):1779-86
Thompson D.S., Boyne M.S., Osmond C., Ferguson T.S., Tulloch-Reid M.K., Wilks R.J., Barnett A.T., Forrester T.E. “Limitations of fasting indices in the measurement of insulin sensitivity in Afro-Caribbean adults.” BMC Research Notes 7, 98(2014).
Thompson D.S., Ferguson T.S., Wilks R.J., Phillips D.I., Osmond C., Samms-Vaughan M., Forrester T.E., Boyne M.S.“Early life factors are associated with nocturnal cortisol and glucose effectiveness in Afro-Caribbean young adults.” Clinical Endocrinology (Oxford). (2014). [Epub ahead of print].
Thompson DS, Boyne MS, Osmond C, Ferguson TS, Tulloch-Reid MK, Wilks RJ, Barnett AT, Forrester TE. Fasting indices do not correlate with dynamic measures of insulin sensitivity in Afro-Caribbean adults. BMC Res Notes. 2014;7:98.