Participants in Projects

Information for participants
Research is important because it is the first step towards finding ways of treating or managing all different types of health conditions and diseases. Without research, the prevention, cure and management of diseases would be practically impossible.
Your participation in our study is strictly voluntary.
You may refuse to participate or if after agreeing to participate, you or your child may withdraw at any time or choose not to take part in a section of the study you do not want to do.
You will receive a consent form that will have phrases similar to the following
“I have read the informed consent form / the informed consent form has been read to me, and I understand its contents; I understand that a copy will be given to me and my signature below indicate that I have agreed to participate”
“I have been given enough time to consider my involvement in this study”
A provision will be made for an independent witness not connected to this study
All information that you provide will be kept confidential and will only be available to the researchers involved in the study.