2013 Publications
Ali SB, Reid M, Fraser R, MooSang M, Ali A. Seizures in the Jamaica cohort study of sickle cell disease. Br J Haematol Nov;151(3):265-72.
Anderson M, Asnani M. "You just have to live with it": coping with sickle cell disease in Jamaica. Qual Health Res2013 May;23(5):655-64.
Anderson M.E., Tulloch-Reid M.K. “She is trying her best, even though she gets on my nerves.” The caregiver-child relationship in Jamaica.” Diabetes Spectrum 26, 2(2013):131-136.
Asnani M., Reid M. “Diagnostic accuracy of spot and timed measurements of albumin: creatinine ratios to determine microalbuminuria in sickle cell disease.” West Indian Medical Journal 62, 9 (2013):808-816.
Asnani M., BhattK., Younger N., McFarlane S., Francis D., Gordon-Strachan G., Reid M.E. “Risky behaviours of Jamaican adolescents with sickle cell disease.” Haematology 19, 7(2013); 373-379.
Asnani MR, Lynch O, Reid ME. Determining glomerular filtration rate in homozygous sickle cell disease: utility of serum creatinine based estimating equations. PLoS One2013;8(7):e69922.
Asnani MR, Williams A, Reid M. Splenic enlargement in adults with homozygous sickle cell disease: the Jamaican experience. Hematology2013 Jan;18(1):46-9.
Baker-Henningham H., López Boo F. “Intervenciones de estimulacióninfantiltemprana en los países en vías de desarrollo Lo quefunciona, porqué y paraquiénBancoInteramericano de DesarrolloProtección Social y Salud.” NOTA TÉCNICA # IDB-TN-540 (2013).
Bhutta Z.A., Das J.K., Rizvi A., Gaffey M.F., Walker N., Horton S., Webb P., Lartey A., Black R.E. & the Nutrition Interventions Review Group, the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group. “Evidence-based interventions for improvement of maternal and child nutrition: what can be done and at what cost?” The Lancet, 382, 9890 (2013):452-477 (S Walker member Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group).
Black R.E., Alderman H., Bhutta Z.A., Gillespie S., Haddad L., Horton S., Lartey A., Mannar V., Ruel M., Victora C.G., Walker S.P., Webb P. “Maternal and child nutrition: building momentum for impact.” The Lancet, 382, 9890 (2013):372-375.
Black R.E., Victora C.G., Walker S.P., Bhutta Z.A., Christian P., de Onis M., Ezzati M., Grantham-McGregor S., Katz J., Martorell R., Uauy R., and the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group. “Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in low-income and middle-income countries.” The Lancet, 382, 9890 (2013):427-451.
Bowers A.S., Reid H.L., Greenidge A., Landis C., Reid M. “Blood viscosity and the expression of inflammatory and adhesion markers in homozygous sickle cell disease subjects with chronic leg ulcers.” PLoS One. 8, 7 (2013):e68929.
Boyne M.S., Thompson D.S., Osmond C., Fraser R.A., Thame M.M., Taylor-Bryan C., Soares-Wynter S., Forrester T.E.. “The effect of antenatal factors and postnatal growth on serum adiponectin levels in children.” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 4, 4 (2013): 317-323.
Cunningham-Myrie C., Younger-Coleman N., Tulloch-Reid M., McFarlane S., Francis D., Ferguson T., Gordon-Strachan G., Wilks R. “Diabetes mellitus in Jamaica: sex differences in burden, risk factors, awareness, treatment and control in a developing country.” Tropical Medicine & International Health 18, 11(2013):1365-78.
East-Innis A.D., Thompson D.S. “Stevens - Johnson syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Jamaica.” West Indian Medical Journal 62, 7 (2013):589-92.
Ferguson TS, Tulloch-Reid MK, Younger NO, Wright Pascoe R, Boyne MS, McFarlane SR, Francis DK, Wilks RJ. Diabetic Foot Complications among Patients attending a Specialist Diabetes Clinic in the Jamaica: Prevalence and Associated Factors. West Indian Med J, 2013; 62 (3):216-223
Fletcher H.M., Dawkins J., Rattray C., Wharfe G., Reid M., Gordon-Strachan G. “Morindacitrifolia (Noni) as an Anti-Inflammatory Treatment in Women with Primary Dysmenorrhoea: A Randomised Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial.” Obstetrics and Gynaecology International. 2013 (2013).6 pages.
Fletcher K., Alfred R., Penn K., Gayle F., Gilbert T., Elliot V., Ferguson T.S. “Guillain-Barre Syndrome and its Variants: A Case of Acute Motor-Sensory Axonal Neuropathy in Jamaica.” West Indian Medical Journal 2013; 62, 7(2013):658-666.
Francis DK, Lazzarini PA, Ferguson TS, Jen SD, Cumberbatch C, Welch V. Education of health professionals for preventing diabetic foot ulceration (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD010433. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010433. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD010433/full
Frederick S., Frederick J., Fletcher H., Reid M., Hardie M., Gardner W. “A trial comparing the use of rectal misoprostol plus perivascular vasopressin with perivascular vasopressin alone to decrease myometrial bleeding at the time of abdominal myomectomy.” Fertility and sterility. 100, 4 (2013):1044-9.
Gibson R.C., Morgan K.A., Abel W.D., Sewell C.A., Martin J.S., Lowe G.A., HayeWde L., Edwards C.L., O'Garo K.N., Reid M.E., Asnani M.R. “Locus of control, depression and quality of life among persons with sickle cell disease in Jamaica.” Psychology Health & Medicine 18, 4(2013):451-60.
Gillespie S., Haddad L., Mannar V., Mennon P., Nesbitt N. and the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group. “The politics of reducing malnutrition: building commitment and accelerating progress.” The Lancet 382, 9891(2013):552-569 (S Walker member Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group).
Gooden M, Younger N, Trotman H.What is the Best Predictor of Mortality in a Very Low Birth Weight Infant Population with a High Mortality Rate in a Medical Setting with Limited Resources? Am J Perinatol. 2013 Aug 14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23945903.
Gordon CD, Wilks R, McCaw-Binns A. Effect of aerobic exercise (walking) training on functional status and health-related quality of life in chronic stroke survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Stroke2013 Apr;44(4):1179-81.
Gridley N., Hutchings J., Baker-Henningham H. (2013) “Associations between socioeconomic disadvantage and parenting behaviours.” Journal of Children’s Services 8, 4(2013):254-263. (Awarded ‘Highly Commended Paper).
Hunt A.C., Eldemire-Shearer D., Tulloch-Reid M.K. “Establishing a System for Health Professional Training and Certification in Diabetes Self-Management Education in the Caribbean.” Diabetes Spectrum 26, 4 (2013): 255-258.
Hutchings J., Griffith N., Bywater T., Williams M.E., Baker-Henningham H. “Targeted versus universal provision of support in high-risk communities: comparison of characteristics in two populations recruited to parenting interventions.” Journal of Children’s Services 8, 3(2013):169-182.
Jackson M, Tulloch-Reid M, Walker S, McFarlane-Anderson N, Bennett F, Francis D, Coard K. Dietary patterns as predictors of prostate cancer in Jamaican men. Nutr Cancer2013;65(3):367-74.
Jackson MD, Tulloch-Reid MK, McFarlane-Anderson N, Watson A, Seers V, Bennett FI, Egleston B, Ragin C. Complex interaction between serum folate levels and genetic polymorphisms in folate pathway genes: biomarkers of prostate cancer aggressiveness. Genes Nutr2013 Mar;8(2):199-207.
Jones D.Z., Ragin C., Kidd N.C., Flores-Obando R.E., Jackson M., McFarlane-Anderson N., Tulloch-Reid M., Kimbro K.S., Kidd L.R. “The impact of genetic variants in inflammatory-related genes on prostate cancer risk among men of African Descent: a case control study.” Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice. 11, 1(2013):19.
Knight-Madden J.M., Barton-Gooden A., Weaver S.R., Reid M., Greenough A. “Mortality, asthma, smoking and acute chest syndrome in young adults with sickle cell disease.” Lung 191, 1(2013):95-100.
Knight-Madden J.M., Connes P., Bowers A., Nebor D., Hardy-Dessources M.D., Romana M., Reid H., Pichon A.P., Barthélémy J.C., Cumming V.B., Elion J., Reid M. “Relationship between acute chest syndrome and the sympatho-vagal balance in adults with hemoglobin SS disease; a case control study.” Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 53, 3(2013):231-8.
Kutlar A., Reid M.E., Inati A., Taher A.T., Abboud M.R., El-Beshlawy A. “A dose-escalation phase IIa study of 2,2-dimethylbutyrate (HQK-1001), an oral fetal globin inducer, in sickle cell disease.”American Journal of Hematology 88, 11(2013):E255-60.
Lewis-Bell K, Luciani S, Unger ER, Hariri S, McFarlane S, Steinau M, et al. Genital human papillomaviruses among women of reproductive age in Jamaica. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2013; 33(3):159–65.
McFarlane S, Younger NO, Francis D, Gordon-Strachan G, Grant A, Wilks RJ. Risk Behaviour and Adolescent Depression in Jamaica. J of Adol. and Youth; Jan 2013.
Morrison B.F., Reid M., Madden W., Burnett A.L. “Testosterone replacement therapy does not promote priapism in hypogonadal men with sickle cell disease: 12-month safety report.” Andrology.1, 4 (2013):576-82.
Nwokocha CR, Younger-Coleman N, Nwokocha M, Owu DU, Asemota H, Iwuala M, Lay-Ekuakille A. Analysis of Time of Measurement and Modes of Administration of Some Medicinal Plants Additives on Mercury Accumulation in the Liver. International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering, 3(3), 60-70, July-September 2013
Orimoloye A, Hurlock L, Ferguson TS, Lee MG. Pattern of Energy Drink Consumption and Associated Adverse Symptoms among University Students. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 2013; 3(4): 1900-1909. Available at: https://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract.php?iid=205&id=12&aid=1517#.UcG5SZyeZ6Y Potu C,
Reid M. “Nutrition and sickle cell disease.”Comptesrendusbiologies. 336, 3(2013):159-63.
Rogers E.N., Jones D.Z., Kidd N.C., Yeyeodu S., Brock G., Ragin C., Jackson M., McFarlane-Anderson N., Tulloch-Reid M., Sean Kimbro K., Kidd L.R. “Toll-like receptor-associated sequence variants and prostate cancer risk among men of African descent.” Genes & Immunity 14, 6(2013):347-355.
Rogers E.N., Jones D.Z., Kidd N.C., Yeyeodu S., Brock G., Ragin C., Jackson M., McFarlane-Anderson N., Tulloch-Reid M., Sean Kimbro K., Kidd L.R. “Toll-like receptor-associated sequence variants and prostate cancer risk among men of African descent.” Genes & Immunity 14, 6(2013):347-355.
Royal-Thomas T, Younger-Coleman N., Forrester T., Cooper R., Wilks R. “Simplifying Measurement of Cardiovascular Risk in Urban Jamaica: The Role of Multivariate Methods.” JP Journal of Biostatistics 10, 1(2013):1-18.
Ruel M.T., Alderman H and the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group “Nutrition-sensitive interventions and programmes: how can they help to accelerate progress in improving maternal and child nutrition?” The Lancet 382, 9891(2013):536-551 0. (S Walker member Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group).
Sargeant T, Harris T, Wilks R, Barned S, Galloway-Blake K, Ferguson T. Rhabdomyolysis and dengue Fever: a case report and literature review. Case Rep Med2013;2013:101058.
Sumner A.E., Furtado J.D., Courville A.B., Ricks M., Younger-Coleman N., Tulloch-Reid M.K., Sacks F.M. “ApoC-III and visceral adipose tissue contribute to paradoxically normal triglyceride levels in insulin-resistant African-American women.” Nutrition & Metabolism (London) 10,1 (2013):73.
Supraha V, Francis DK, Utrobicic A, Choy EHS, Tenzera D, Kordic A. Probiotics for fibromyalgia (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD010451. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010451.
Taioli E, Sears V, Watson A, Flores-Obando RE, Jackson MD, Ukoli FA, de SyllosColus IM, Fernandez P, McFarlane-Anderson N, Ostrander EA, Rodrigues IS, Stanford JL, Taylor JA, Tulloch-Reid M, Ragin CC. Polymorphisms in CYP17 and CYP3A4 and prostate cancer in men of African descent. Prostate2013 May;73(6):668-76.
Tayo BO, Kramer H, Salako BL, Gottesman O, McKenzie CA, Ogunniyi A, Bottinger EP, Cooper RS. Genetic variation in APOL1 and MYH9 genes is associated with chronic kidney disease among Nigerians. IntUrol Nephrol2013 Apr;45(2):485-94.
Terao C, Bayoumi N, McKenzie CA, Zelenika D, Muro S, Mishima M, Connell JM, Vickers MA, Lathrop GM, Farrall M, Matsuda F, Keavney BD. Quantitative Variation in Plasma Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Activity Shows Allelic Heterogeneity in the ABO Blood Group Locus. Ann Hum Genet2013 Aug 13.
Tulloch-Reid MK, Younger NO, Ferguson TS, Francis DK, Abdulkadri AO, Gordon-Strachan GM, McFarlane SR, Cunningham-Myrie CA, Wilks RJ, Anderson SG. Excess Cardiovascular Risk Burden in Jamaican Women Does Not Influence Predicted 10-Year CVD Risk Profiles of Jamaica Adults: An Analysis of the 2007/08 Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey. PLoS One2013;8(6):e66625.
Vergara C, Murray T, Rafaels N, Lewis R, Campbell M, Foster C, Gao L, Faruque M, Oliveira RR, Carvalho E, Araujo MI, Cruz AA, Watson H, Mercado D, Knight-Madden J, Ruczinski I, Dunston G, Ford J, Caraballo L, Beaty TH, Mathias RA, Barnes KC. African ancestry is a risk factor for asthma and high total IgE levels in African admixed populations. Genet Epidemiol2013 May;37(4):393-401.
Walker S, Chang S. Effectiveness of parent support programmes in enhancing learning in the under-3 age group. Early Childhood Matters 2013;120:45-9.
Walker S, Pierre R, Christie C, Chang S. Neurocognitive function in HIV-positive children in a developing country. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2013;17:e862-e7
Walker S. Double burden of malnutrition. Development and Cooperation 2013;40:304-5.
Walker S.Y., Pierre R.B., Christie C.D.C., Chang S.M. “Neurocognitive function in HIV-positive children in a developing country.” International Journal of Infectious Diseases 17, 10(2013):e862-e867.
Welch, Vivian, Mark Petticrew, Jennifer O'Neill, Elizabeth Waters, Rebecca Armstrong, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Damian Francis, Tracey Perez Koehlmoos, Elizabeth Kristjansson, Tomas Pantoja, and Peter Tugwell. "Health Equity: Evidence Synthesis and Knowledge Translation Methods." Systematic Reviews 2, no. 1 (2013): 43.