Sport Matters | Sport Pulse



Sport Matters

Mem­bers of The Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies’ Fac­ul­ty of Sport, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Guardian Me­dia’s Sports Desk, started a dis­cus­sion on sport­ing mat­ters through­out the cam­pus­es and as they af­fect the re­gion in August 2019.


Sport Pulse

The Faculty of Sport (UWI) is pleased to partner with The Sunday Gleaner in two fortnightly columns highlighting advances in sport in Jamaica.  This partnership started in June 2022.

We look forward to your continued readership.


Latest Sport Matters | Sport Pulse

The impact of science and the fall of the Caribbean athlete

The Faculty of Sport at the University of the West Indies is pleased to partner with the Sunday Gleaner in two fortnightly columns which will

June 13, 2022

Anti-doping and a level playing field

Performance enhancement has been the quest of mankind from the dawn of civilization. Used mainly in war, substances were administered to soldiers

June 13, 2022


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