Stay connected and involved with your Alma Mater through the UWIAA Trinidad and also benefit from your "PERKS"!
Executive Officers:
President - Jerry Medford
1 st Vice President - Cheridan Woodruffe
2 nd Vice President - Arlene Hamblin
Secretary - Lana Spencer.
Treasurer - Peter Poon Chong
Public Relations Officer - John Victor
Assistant Secretary / Treasurer - Vishi Beharry
Annual Events
We take part in the Matriculation Ceremony every September and Graduation every October!
Pelican Awardee 2014: Sir Edwin Carrington - former CARICOM Secretary-General and current Amassador to CARICOM - for distinguished service to the Caribbean.
Distinguished Graduates:
*Dr. Shango Alamu, the first scientist to unearth the methodology of promoting flowering in Aroids, a strategy that is currently utilized internationally: * Mr. Gerry Brooks, Group Chief Operating Officer of the aNSA McAI group; * Mr. Ian Chinapoo, Executive Director of the Trinidad and Tobago Unit Trust Corporation; *Dr. Victor Coombs, Chief Medical Officer for 21 years, *Dr. Naola Ferguson-Noel, Associate Professor at the Poultry Diagnostic and Research Centre at the University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medecine; *Mrs. Anna-Maria Garcia-Brooks, General Manager, Group Marketing and Communications, Republic Bank: *Mr. Khalid M. Hassanali, President/CEO of Petrotrin Trinidad and Tobago: * Dr. Floyd Homer, has led international programmes related to forest, wetlands and coral reef conservation; * Mrs. Mary Kwailan la Borde, Author of "Wind, Sea and Faith", her life story about sailing around the world; * Ms. Alison Lewis, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance; Mrs. Sunity Maharaj, Director of the Lloyd Best Institute of the West Indies; Mr. Hannibal Najjar, Director of Coarches and Head Coach (Soccer), Mid-Continent University, Mayfield, KY, USA; * Dr. Shelton Nichols, renowned economist, Dr. Carla Noel-Mendez, Director of External Affairs at BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago; Dr. Charles E. Percy, Managing Director of Mthanex Trinidad Ltd.; * Professor Dan Ramdath, internationally recognized clinical research scientist; *Dr. Ronald Ramkissoon, renowned economist; * Mr Robert Riley, awarded the Chaconia Gold Medal in 2003 for his contirbution to national economic development; * Ms. Kizzie Ruiz, distinguished musician and cultural Ambassador for Trinidad and Tobago; * Ms. Dana Seetahal, Criminal Justice Consultant, Mrs. Toni Sirju-Ramnarine, Vice President Corporate Operations at the Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad and Tobago; * Ms. Dawn Thomas, Group Chief Executive Officer of One Caribbean Media Limited: Mrs. Giselle Pinard-Thompson, Vice President Corporate Operations bptt; *Mr. Rubadiri Victor, President of the Artists' Coalition of Triniad and Tobago; * Mr. Malcolm Jones, Executive Chairman Petrotrin * Mr. Kerston Coombs, Energy Technocrat * Mr. Prem Nandlal, Chairman, Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards * Mr. Matthew Eversley * Ms. Marsha Victor * Ms. Meagan Sylvester * Mr. Thomas Nancoo * Mrs. Sandra Roach-Niamath; * Ms. Jessica James; * Mr. Crishna John; * Dr. Rohit Dass
** Honorary Member - President George Maxwell Richards
"One UWI, One Alumni Family"