As the largest university in the Caribbean, The UWI sports a 150,000 strong alumni population, as well as a substantial Friends of The UWI population which includes the global Caribbean diaspora.
The UWI Alumni Relations develops a number of publications to keep in touch with and support this population. Among these publications are:
UWI Connect
The UWI Connect is the Alumni Magazine for The University of the West Indies. The magazine highlights the regional nature of the institution, emphasizing the tremendous impact of its graduates regionally and internationally through article and features showcasing their achievements and accomplishments and keeps graduates up to date with important “happenings”. It appears both in print and digital format, the latter currently having a reach of 50,000, which continues to expand.
It is published quarterly and provides a historical snapshot enhancing its mandate of further building “One UWI, One Alumni Family.” We offer advertising opportunities to reach our many UWI graduates and their extended networks in North America, Latin America and Europe, Asia and beyond.
UWI Alumni Online
The official website for alumni of The UWI, we host the largest online community of UWI alumni.
UWI Nexus
The monthly newsletter sent to graduates and friends of The UWI.