Pelican Perk

Access to UWI’s Libraries and Electronic Databases

Members of the UWI Alumni Association (UWIAA) who visit their respective Libraries can be logged on by library staff to machines giving them access to the several databases, e-journals and e-books services to which the libraries subscribe. Graduates are to show their UWIAA membership cards to gain access to the respective UWI library and then access library electronic resources and services.

  1. Alumni may access the library catalogue (OPAC) remotely and in library: Note: In order to access this remotely, the URLs for the UWI Campus OPACs are:
    1. St. Augustine:
    2. Mona: 
    3. Cave Hill:
    4. Open Campus:

    Please note that the e-resources of the Law Library at Cave Hill are not included in this arrangement.

  2. Alumni may access all licensed online library databases – in library only
  3. Alumni may access all subscription-based electronic journals – in library only
  4. Alumni may access all licensed electronic books – in library only
  5. Alumni must use designated public workstations to access licensed resources and to browse the Internet generally – in library only


Type of Perk: 


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