
Agri-Biotechnology Experience


Event Date: Friday, 22 September 2023 - 9:00am to Friday, 6 October 2023 - 12:00pmEvent Venue: Biotechnology Centre, Faculty of Science and Technoloy, Mona CampusAs part of the celebration of The UWI's 75th Anniversary, The Biotechnology Centre in the Faculty of Science and Technology will be hosting an "Agri-Biotechnology Experience". Tour the Biotechnology Centre. Go through the stages of the micropropagation tissue culture method. Leave with a plantlet you have ‘hardened’.
The experience will be hosted at the Centre from 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon on a day of your choosing from the options below:
- Friday, September 22
- Friday September 29
- Friday October 6
If you are interested please register at: https://forms.gle/XXbTd5QYzJiJJSbv9
We look forward to your participation. No prior experience in Biotechnology is required. Participation is free of cost.
Audience: General PublicStaffStudent



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