


Sport Matters

Mem­bers of The Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies’ Fac­ul­ty of Sport, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Guardian Me­dia’s Sports Desk, started a dis­cus­sion on sport­ing mat­ters through­out the cam­pus­es and as they af­fect the re­gion in August 2019.


Sport Pulse

The Faculty of Sport (UWI) is pleased to partner with The Sunday Gleaner in two fortnightly columns highlighting advances in sport in Jamaica.  This partnership started in June 2022.

We look forward to your continued readership.


Latest News

Sir Wes says coaches must know West Indies culture

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Research Day 2019 "Chalking Competition" Winners!

The University is buzzing with life as members from each faculty have come out to show their achievements in research.  This year's theme is "

February 08, 2019

The UWI Open Campus Trinidad & Tobago's win of the UWI St. Augustine 2018 Inter-Departmental Cup

The UWI Open Campus, Academy of Sport, Trinidad & Tobago. Wednesday, December 19, 2018 — It was a proud

February 01, 2019

Congratulations Dr. Facey

On November 24, 2018, Dr.

December 20, 2018


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