


Call for Abstracts 

The School for Graduate Studies and Research, The University of the West Indies (The UWI) is pleased to announce the hosting of the Second One-UWI Postgraduate Student online Conference, which is scheduled to be held: November 20-22, 2024. The theme of the conference is “Collaborative Horizons: Interdisciplinary Visions for Caribbean and Global Progress.” All disciplines are welcomed. This will be a paper-only conference, no posters will be accepted. All postgraduate students are invited to submit an abstract for consideration for presentation. Students should clearly state the relevance of the study to the advancement of their discipline and if relevant, the implications for sustainable development.

This conference will provide a platform for graduate students to share their research, ideas, and insights on various topics, including but not limited to:

1. Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / UN 2030 Agenda
- The Successes and Challenges
- After 2030 – What Next?
- Our Common Agenda
2. No One Left Behind
- Persons with Disabilities
- Residents in the Rural Areas
- Poverty and social inclusion 
3. Sustainability Technology and Innovation
- Advancements in Technology and their Impact on the Caribbean
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Science Education 
- Digital Economy
- Digital Transformation and Technology
- GIS and Remote Sensing
- Geospatial Data Science towards Sustainable Development
- Information Technology
- Innovation and Technology
- Intervention Studies (e.g., Clinical Trials)
- Issues in Higher Education
4. Climate and Sustainability
- Climate Change and Sustainability in the Caribbean
- Energy and Natural Resource Management in the Caribbean, including the Transition to Renewable Energy Sources
5. Economic and Political Issues
- Global Economic Shifts and Trade Policies Affecting the Region
- Political Instability and Conflict Resolution in the Caribbean
- Tourism and its Impact on the Caribbean Economy and Environment
6. Food and Agriculture
- Climate Resilient Agriculture and Food Security in the Caribbean
- Food Safety and Quality
- Food Security
7. Social and Cultural Issues
- Child Development and Welfare
- Creating Policies/Guidelines for Special Needs Students
- Crime and Violence
- Cultural and Social Shifts in a Globalized World and their Impact on the Caribbean
- Gender and Development
- Human Transhumanism
- Indigenous Studies
- Leadership Styles
- Life Skills and Coping with Challenges
- Political Activism, the Academy, and Society
- Post-COVID-19 and Social Adjustment 
- Public/Community Engagement and Collaborative Learning Spaces
- Teaching Cultural Music in Schools (e.g., Dancehall Music)
- Transformational Leadership
- Reparatory Justice
- Road Safety
8. Health and Well-Being
- Achieving Good Health for All
- Health Challenges in the Caribbean, including Infectious Diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases
- Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being 
9. Education 
- Education and Post-COVID 19 
- Inclusive and Equitable Education
10. Research and Policy
- Areas for Future Research and Possible Research Designs
- Contribution to Education Policy to National/Regional Development
- Relevant Legislation and Policy Development
11. Miscellaneous
- Any other topic relevant to the conference theme
Submit your abstract for The One-UWI Graduate Student Conference before July 31, 2024. If you wish to be considered for the top 10 best written papers then you must submit your full paper by December 15, 2024. There will also be prizes for the best oral presentations by Faculty across the five campuses.


Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions should include Name, Faculty, Campus, and Contact Information
  • Sub-theme should be provided.
  • To present at the conference, you must be a registered student at one of The UWI’s five campuses.
  • You should be in good academic standing and be financially cleared at the time of the conference.
  • There should be one abstract per presenter.
  • Abstracts should be no more than 200 words in length.
  • No tables, graphs, or illustrations should be included in the abstract
  • Must meet the deadline for submission.
  • The abstract should include the following: 
  1. The aim of the study
  2. Relevance of the submission to the conference theme/sub-theme
  3. A description of the research objectives/questions
  4. The methodology
  5. The actual results/findings
  6. Conclusions
  7. Implications/Applications of Research
  • Three to five keywords should be included in addition to the abstract.


Abstract and Full Paper Deadline

The abstract submission deadline is July 31, 2024.  Other information is also on our website at https://uwi.edu/gsr/pgcon. 

Opportunity for Recognition/Publication

  • Submit your abstract for The One-UWI Postgraduate Student Conference, if you wish to be considered for the top 10 best-written papers then you must submit your full paper by December 15, 2024.
  • There will also be prizes for the best oral presentations by Faculty across the five campuses.


Important Dates

  • Call for Abstracts: June 2024
  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: July 31, 2024
  • Acceptance Notification of Abstracts: September 30, 2024 
  • Conference Dates: November 20-22, 2024
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: December 15, 2024

Mark your calendars and make sure to adhere to these important dates to ensure your participation in The One-UWI Graduate Student Conference. Don't miss the chance to showcase your research, engage in meaningful discussions, and connect with fellow graduate students and professionals.

Contact Information

For general questions, contact: Ms. Ava-Loi Forbes, Conference Secretariat, uwipgconference@gmail.com