The Office of Graduate Studies is a UWI-wide entity that is primarily responsible for ensuring that the quality of the graduate programmes meets international standards whilst remaining relevant to national and regional needs, enhancing the profile of The UWI as a research university offering exceptional graduate programmes in areas most relevant to the Caribbean context.

The Office of Graduate Studies along with the Director, Graduate Studies and Research’s (DGSR) Office (on each Campus) is committed to offering high quality and relevant graduate education and experiences to our students. We aim to provide comprehensive and outstanding services to all our stakeholders and to ensure that The UWI is recognised regionally and internationally as the institution of first choice for graduate studies and research within the Caribbean, is recognised as a driver of national and regional development and as a leader in research for developing countries, small island states and in other select, focal areas.

What We Do

Some of the major responsibilities that the Office in collaboration with the BGSR Secretariat and the DGSR’s Office undertakes are:


Value of Graduate Education

The benefits of graduate education extend beyond the economic realm; graduate education also plays a central role in producing an educated citizenry that can promote and defend our…ideals.  (Carnevale, 2008)

Graduate Education:

  • Ensures that a highly skilled workforce exists to compete in today’s knowledge-based and information driven economy
  • Develops leaders for business and government sectors, inter alia
  • Enables funding and the environment to conduct and produce ground-breaking research
  • Facilitates technology transfer 
  • Fosters an environment to develop entrepreneurs and innovators
  • Prepares future college and university faculty
  • Prepares the secondary level- teacher workforce
  • Strengthens communities through social action
  • Promotes public health initiatives
  • Enhances society through arts, humanities, and social sciences