
The UWI Research Ethics Committee

The University of the West Indies Committee on Research Ethics is the University body responsible for developing, coordinating, and ensuring the implementation of the University’s policies and procedures for the ethical conduct of research. The Committee’s main goals are to:
  • Protect the dignity, human rights, health, safety and privacy of human participants in research.
  • Ensure the care and humane treatment of animals used in the conduct of research.
  • Ensure that research on endangered species is responsible and sensitive to the conservation status of the species.
  • Ensure that research is sensitive to negative environmental impacts and to negative impacts on human groups that are not themselves the subjects of the research.
  • Promote a culture of ethics in research at the UWI. 
  • Promote the reputation of the University as a centre of ethical and high quality research.
  • Ensure the health and safety of researchers.

The Committee is chaired by the Pro Vice Chancellor, Research (or his/her nominee), and will consist of the following persons (or their nominees):

  • The Chairs of the Campus Committees on Research Ethics at each Campus.
  • A representative of each of the Campus Principals.
  • The University of the West Indies Legal Counsel.
  • The Pro Vice Chancellor (Graduate Studies).
  • Two community representatives who are not associated with the UWI.