Sickle Cell in Focus 2021

After a successful conference in Kingston, Jamaica in 2019 and the postponing of Sickle Cell in Focus (SCiF) 2020 as the world faced the Covid-19 pandemic, we are happy to announce that the 14th annual SCiF conference is returning September 30 – October 1, 2021. However, due to the ongoing challenges and risks of travel, this year’s conference will be VIRTUAL.

SCiF has become a world-class educational update on sickle cell disease. The conference aims to provide consultants, trainee's, doctors, healthcare professionals, and academics interested in hemoglobin disorders with an opportunity for a comprehensive and global exploration of the current medical trends and research results in sickle cell disease and thalassemia. The conference provides an excellent platform for our delegates to return to their clinics around the world with the most current information available which has an immediate and positive impact on the patient experience.

With four campuses around the Caribbean, the UWI is the largest institution offering higher education for the 18 English-speaking countries in the Caribbean. The UWI aims to research and develop a variety of programs aimed at improving the health and well-being of the people of the Caribbean. The Sickle Cell Unit (SCU), Caribbean Institute for Health Research conducts both clinical and scientific research to improve the lives of individuals living with sickle cell disease. Jamaica has a substantial population of patients with sickle cell disease and some of the seminal publications in the natural history and longitudinal studies in sickle cell disease were based on this population. The SCU has hosted major conferences in sickle cell disease as well as many workshops and topical meetings in this area. The National Health, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) is a sponsor of biomedical research for the benefit of healthcare. The Sickle Cell in Focus 2021 meeting therefore continues to be an excellent match with both NHLBl's and SCU’s mission.

Over two intensive days, this year’s conference will highlight emerging clinical and management issues relating to sickle cell disease, emerging therapies and how we can use them in combination for effective treatment, and in light of the recent pandemic, we will also have a session on the impact of Covid-19 on patients with sickle cell disease. Over 35 renowned scientists from Brazil, Caribbean, France, India, UK, and the USA will share their expertise. We will close out each day of the conference with a debate/panel discussion on FDA approved drugs and the issue of gene therapy vs bone marrow transplant.

Registration is free and it is designated for a maximum of 11.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s).

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