Joanne Smith
LecturerSome quote

Dr. Joanne Smith is a Lecturer of the Epidemiology Research Unit of the Caribbean Institute of Health Research. She is a member of the Child Development Research Group.
Dr. Smith is a qualified and registered Nutritionist. She received her BSc. in Human Ecology with a minor in Psychology from the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. She then pursued a MSc. in Nutrition at the Tropical Metabolism Research Unit of the University of the West Indies. She then went on to pursue her Doctor of Philosophy in Nutrition at the Tropical Metabolism Research Unit of the University of the West Indies.
Dr. Joanne Smith joined CAIHR in 2005. She has been involved in research projects that have focused on energy metabolism in free living individuals and on the holistic development of children. She has extensive training on different methods of assessing energy intake, energy expenditure. Recently she has extended her research experience by gaining expertise in cognitive assessment and child development.
Research & Teaching Interests
Her research interests include assessment of energy intake and energy expenditure in both adults and children. She is also interested in developing interventions to ensure the holistic development of children from disadvantaged circumstances. She aims with her research to ensure that every child has an opportunity, not only to survive but to thrive.
Book Chapter: Grantham-McGregor S., Smith J. (March 2020) The Effect of Malnutrition and Micronutrient Deficiency on Children’s Mental Health. In: Taylor E., Verhulst F., Wong J., Yoshida K., Nikapota A. (eds) Mental Health and Illness of Children and Adolescents. Mental Health and Illness Worldwide. Springer, Singapore
Odunitan-Wayas FA*, Wadende P*, Mogo EB, Brugulat A, Govia I, Mapa-Tassou C, Motlhalhedi M, Mukoma G, Okop K, Smith JA, Wasnyo Y, Were V, Assah F, Mbanya JC, Micklesfield L, Norris S, Obonyo C, Tulloch-Reid M, Lambert EV, Oni T. (May, 2021) Adolescent levers for diet and physical activity intervention across socio-ecological levels in Kenya, South Africa, Cameroon and Jamaica: A mixed-methods study protocol. JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 Jul 13;10(7):e26739. doi: 10.2196/26739. PMID: 34255729; PMCID: PMC8317027.
Smith JA, Chang SM, Lopez Boo F, Ferro MP, Walker SP. Are Benefits From a Parenting Intervention Delivered Through the Health Services Sustainable? Follow-Up of a Randomized Evaluation in Jamaica. Acad Pediatr. 2021 May-Jun;21(4):638-645. DOI: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.01.003 Epub 2021 Jan 9. PMID: 33434700.
Oni T, Micklesfield LK, Wadende P, Obonyo CO, Woodcock J, Mogo EB, Odunitan-Wayas FA, Assah F, Tatah L, Foley L, Mapa-Tassou C, Bhagtani D, Weimann A, Mba C, Unwin N, Brugulat-Panés A, Hofman KJ, Smith J, Tulloch-Reid M, Erzse A, Shung-King M, Lambert EV, Wareham NJ on behalf of the GDAR network (2020 September) Implications of COVID-19 control measures for diet and physical activity, and lessons for addressing other pandemics facing rapidly urbanising countries, Global Health Action, 13:1, DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2020.1810415
Oni T, Assah F, Erzse A, Foley L, Govia I, Hofman KJ, Lambert EV, Micklesfield LK, Shung-King M, Smith J, Turner-Moss E et al., on behalf of the,GDAR network. (2020 October). The global diet and activity research (GDAR) network: A global public health partnership to address upstream NCD risk factors in urban low and middle-income contexts. Globalization and Health, 16, 1-11. doi:
Smith JA, Rocke KD, Charles SM, Chang SM, Wright AS, Walker SP, Taveras EM,Tulloch-Reid MK. The role of fathers in overweight prevention: an analysis of a Caribbean cohort. Glob Health Epidemiol Genom. 2018 Aug 28;3:e15. doi:10.1017/gheg.2018.12. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID: 30263139; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6152493
Smith JA, Baker-Henningham H, Brentani A, Mugweni R and Walker SP (2018) Implementation of Reach Up early childhood parenting program. Appropriateness, Acceptability and Feasibility in Brazil and Zimbabwe. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1419(1), p120-140.
Walker SP, Chang SM, Smith JA, Baker-Henningham H and the Reach Up Team (2018) The Reach Up Early Childhood Parenting Program: Origins, Content and Implementation. ZERO TO THREE, 38(4), 37-43.
Grantham-McGregor, S and Smith, JA. (2016) "Extending The Jamaican Early Childhood Development Intervention," Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk: Vol. 7 : Iss. 2 , Article 4. Available at:
Francis DK, Smith J, Saljuqi T, Watling RM 2015. Oral protein calorie supplementation for children with chronic disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD001914. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001914.pub2.
Levine JA, McCrady S, Boyne S, Smith J, Cargill K and Forrester TE: Non-exercise physical activity in agricultural and urban people. Urban Studies, November 15, 2010 .
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