Kwesi Marshall
LecturerSome quote

Kwesi Marshall (PhD) is a lecturer at the Tropical Metabolism Research Unit (TMRU) of the Caribbean Institute for Health Research (CAIHR) at the University of the West Indies. Kwesi has conducted studies on biochemical, nutritional, and genetic influences on hypertension, severe acute malnutrition and sickle cell disease and is currently engaged in research into the genomic and metabolic underpinnings of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Dr Marshall is the lead of the CAIHR-TMRU Biospecimen Repository. He is also coordinator of CAIHR’s Master of Science programme in Nutrition.
As first author of a paper entitled “Exploring putative genetic determinants of inter-individual heterogeneity in sickle cell disease: A cross-sectional Jamaican cohort-based study” (Authors: Marshall K, Howell S, Badaloo, A, Reid M, McFarlane-Anderson N, and McKenzie C), Kwesi and his co-authors were awarded the 2020 Principal’s Research Award for Best Research Publication in the Faculty of Medical Sciences.
Dr Marshall is the Chairman of the National Food Industry Task Force, an advisory and advocacy body that conducts evidence-based oversight and review of the regional and global food and nutrition environment and reports to the Jamaican Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW). Kwesi is also the Chair of the Nutrition Subcommittee of the National Committee on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCNCD). He is also a reviewer for the Global Health Advocacy Incubator, Healthy Food Policy Advocacy Fund.
Research & Teaching Interests
Cancer metabolism
Cancer genomics
Metabolic syndrome
Severe acute malnutrition
Sports Nutrition
Training Programmes
Programme Coordinator – MSc Nutrition
Course Coordinator – Neurophysiology (BSc Physical Therapy)
Lecturer – MSc Nutrition, Master of Public Health, MBBS, BSc Nursing, BSc Sport Kinetics
Member – CAIHR Training Committee
CAIHR Representative – Faculty of Medical Sciences Subcommittee for Research
Internal Examiner – Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research and Epidemiology (HREP5106)
External Examiner – Master of Science in Public Health Nutrition (University of Technology)
Selected Research Publications
Edematous Severe Acute Malnutrition is Characterized by Hypomethylation of DNA. K Schulze, S Swaminathan, S Howell, A Jajoo, N Lie, O Brown, R Sadat, N Hall, K Marshall, T May, L Zhao, M Reid, C Taylor-Bryan, X Wang, J Belmont, Y Guan, M Manary, I Trehan, C McKenzie, N Hanchard. Nature Communications 10, 5791 (2019)
Exploring putative genetic determinants of inter-individual phenotypic heterogeneity in sickle cell disease: A cross-sectional Jamaican cohort-based study. K Marshall, Howell S, A Badaloo, M Reid, N McFarlane-Anderson, C McKenzie. Blood Cells Mol Dis, 73, 1-8 (2018)
A Cross-sectional Clinic-based Study Exploring whether Variants within the Glutathione S-transferase, Haptoglobin and Uridine 5'-diphospho-Glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 genes are Associated with Interindividual Phenotypic Variation in Sickle Cell Anaemia in Jamaica. S Howell, K Marshall, M Reid, N McFarlane-Anderson, C McKenzie. European Journal of Haematology 100, 147-153 (2018)
A Cross-sectional Clinic-based Study Exploring whether Variants within Genes Coding for Enzymes of the Transmethylation and Trans-sulphuration Pathways Are Associated with Inter-individual Phenotypic Variation in Sickle Cell Anaemia in Jamaica. S Howell, K Marshall, M Reid, N McFarlane-Anderson, C McKenzie. West Indian Medical Journal 66, 510–7(2017)
Exploring antioxidants. KG Marshall. West Indian Medical Journal. 63, 119-120 (2014)
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