Prof Jennifer Knight-Madden
Professor Pediatric Pulmonology and Clinical ResearchSome quote

Professor Jennifer Knight-Madden is the former Director (2014-2021) of the Sickle Cell Unit, CAIHR, The University of the West Indies (UWI). Professor Knight-Madden graduated from The UWI’s medical school in 1988. She completed training in Pediatrics at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto) and Fellowship training in Pediatric Pulmonology at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC) in Durham, NC. She completed an MSc in Biometry (DUMC), a PhD in Clinical Research (King’s College London), a Certificate in Implementation Science (University of California San Francisco) and a short course in Strategic Health Planning. She is Professor of Pediatric Pulmonology and Clinical Research.
Her PhD at King’s College London examined pulmonary complications of sickle cell disease; she also has interests in newborn screening, asthma, clinical trials and implementation science. She has published several book chapters and more than 60 papers in peer reviewed journals. She is active in the national Sickle Cell Technical Working Group (Co-Chair); the Caribbean Network of Researchers in Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia (Vice President); the SickKids Caribbean Initiative; Scientific Advisory Committee, Global Alliance of SCD Organizations (GASCDO); two National Institutes of Health Data Safety Monitoring Boards for studies in Africa; National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Global Health Research Centre Call 1; National Committee on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs); Chair- Surveillance, M&E and Research Sub-Committee; The Mona Campus Research Ethics Committee (one year break); the UWI Mona Academic Board Sub-Committee for Student Disciplinary Matters; The University of the West Indies Ethics Committee and the Advisory Panel on Ethics and Medico-Legal Affairs, MOHW (one year assignment). She is an examiner and member of Specialty Board of the Child and Adolescent Health Program and an honorary Consultant at the University Hospital of the West Indies.
Professor Knight-Madden is a proud St Andrew High School for Girls Old Girl where she is on the Board of Management. She is a member of the Christian Life Fellowship.
Research & Teaching Interests
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(876) 927-2471