Submission Guidelines
Submissions: We invite readers to submit articles on Caribbean culture (maximum length 6,000 words), personal essays related to this theme (maximum length 4,000 words), and poems or short stories (maximum length 3,000 words) which have not previously been published. Emerging artists are invited to submit JPEGs of 4-6 samples of their work as well as a brief statement about that work (maximum 200 words). We also welcome book review articles and book reviews (maximum length 2,500 words and 1,000 words respectively – see below). Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as MS Word attachments and also as hard copies in duplicate. All formatting should be kept to a minimum. Hard copy submissions should be typed on one side only, double-spaced, 11- or 12-point type, leaving ample margin for editorial purposes. Manuscripts should be presented with only the title and the author’s name and address on a cover page. The title without the author’s name should be repeated on page I of the article. Sub-titles (cross-heads) should be used to divide the text in such a way that they indicate to the reader the structure of the article, i.e., with clear identification of A/B/C heads.
Biographical information: Contributors should also include a 50-word bio of themselves, stating their positions and affiliations at the time of writing.
Abstracts: An abstract of 100 words maximum must accompany each article.
Notes: We use the Chicago endnote style, with modified British punctuation – see our house style guidelines. We encourage prospective contributors to go online to the Chicago Manual of Style website (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html) to familiarise themselves with the Chicago notes-bibliography style. No article will be accepted which does not adhere to this style. All citation details should be incorporated in endnotes – no parenthetical referencing or reference lists.
Tables, charts, mathematical copy: Tables should be typed on separate pages with their preferred position in the text clearly indicated. Mathematical copy must be clearly set out and correctly aligned.
Illustrations: These should be provided in high-resolution digital form (minimum 300 DPI), as separate JPEGs, and should be clearly captioned. Works of art should be titled and dated. Contributors are responsible for obtaining reproduction permission for such materials as required.
Book reviews: Book review headings should appear as follows: author(s), title, publisher, place (city) and date of publication, total number of pages (please separate prelim pages from main text pages, e.g., ‘xii + 220 pp’). Book reviews (except review articles) should not exceed 1,000 words. Book review articles (maximum length 2,500 words) discussing several titles should provide publication details for each title as stipulated for book reviews.
Submissions to Caribbean Quarterly (or publications for review) should be addressed to: The Editor, Caribbean Quarterly, UWI, PO Box 130, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica, WI. Email address: kimberly.robinson@uwimona.edu.jm, or c/o cq@uwimona.edu.jm.