What we do


A successful audit project is one in which there is a collaborative partnership between you, the audit client and internal audit. We will walk you through each stage of the process and seek your input, so that you are fully engaged in the process.  We will communicate with you each step of the way so that you fully understand what we are doing and why. We know this is the best way to achieve our mutual goal of an efficient and effective review, with minimal disruptions to your business, yet working together to improve the internal controls and efficiency of your business.


This is what we do:



Understanding Internal Audit

Internal Audit is an independent and objective function which examines and evaluates the University’s operations with the aim of adding value and strengthening the risk management, control, and governance processes of the UWI.

When you are actively engaged in the process, you will always get more out of it.

 Learn More







Services provided by UWI Audit



We perform a range of information systems, operational & financial audits to gain assurance on the effectiveness of risk management, management oversight, internal controls and the effectiveness of operations.


UWI Audit accepts management requests for advisory and special purpose projects including reviews and recommendations on new processes and procedures, participation on committees in an advisory capacity and data analysis and validation for decision making.


As required by the University’s Financial Code, our office is called upon to investigate allegations of fraud, misuse of university assets or suspicion of violation of legal or financial regulations, or University policies and procedures.