Welcome to The UWI Audit and Advisory Services

The UWI Audit and Advisory Services (UWI Audit) is an independent regional department that performs the internal audit function for the University of the West Indies. The audit function, is committed to supporting the Campus and University Audit Committees and University Council in the execution of their governance responsibilities through objective assurance services and to the support of the university management in the promotion of a strong internal control environment and good governance.

The scope of UWI Audit's activity encompasses but is not limited to, the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s governance, risk management and internal process, the economy and efficiency of operations, as well as the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities to achieve the University’s stated goals and objectives. The scope also includes advisory services, related staff training and investigations. On this website you will be able to find details on the department’s mission, types of audits services we provide, our audit process and training resources. We have also provided you with links to external resources as well as Frequently Asked Questions. We hope that you find the information provided on this website useful.



UWI Audit Testimonials

Audit Commitee

Get to know us – our purpose and our structure.



UWI Audit Data Privacy Notice

Important information must be safeguarded from compromise of loss.



Upcoming Training Events

Training to support our Partnership.



Resource Centre

Collaboration tools to support our Partnership.




St. Augustine Campus

The Sir Frank Stockdale Building

St. Augustine Campus

Trinidad & Tobago



Cave Hill Campus

The Owen Arthur CARICOM Research Complex

Cave Hill Campus


Tel: 246-417-4834/4213



UWI Regional Headquarters

Hermitage Road, Kingston


Tel: 876-970-1859
