Zoom Features






Meeting list  

Display no subject meetings


Hide host and meeting ID from private meetings



Download and install app



Install with MSI




Multiple language support


Sign in / sign out

Sign in with work email

Sign in with Google service account 




Start / Join / End / Leave meeting     

Start/Join a meeting



Waiting room



Start a meeting by inviting contacts 





Start a meeting by inviting room system 





Start/Join a telephone only meeting


Auto start/end scheduled meetings


Dial H.323/SIP meeting


Meeting history     

Meeting history with meeting ID



Meeting history with vanity URL 



In-meeting controls

Join assigned breakout room




Assign participants to breakout rooms





In-meeting sharing  

Laptop sharing


Direct sharing with sharing code 


Direct sharing with ultrasonic proximity signal 


Airplay sharing 




HDMI sharing 


Camera sharing




Whiteboard sharing with Kaptivo device 




Multiple simultaneous shares 



Companion whiteboard




Receive and display Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive files




Phone call out with audio conferencing plan


Change phone call out to meeting 


SIP call out 

SIP call in 



Multi-protocol support 




PBX call in/call out

Formatted PBX numbers 



SIP or PBX 3-way calling 



SIP or PBX call transfer 



Change PBX call to meeting 




Call history 



Mute/unmute all 

Mute/Unmute one participant 


Mute on entry 


Toggle participants' ability to mute/unmute 



Software audio processing



Multi MXL microphone support




Multi XLR microphone support




Support for Dante virtual microphones






Far end camera control 



Local camera control 


Enable/disable mirroring 


Camera presets 



Intelligent camera support


Far end and local PTZ support with serial port PTZ cameras 





Camera speed control for absolute cameras 



1080p video and video share 





Virtual background with green screen



Multiple camera support (switching between cameras)



Invite by contacts 


Invite by email 


Invite by phone 


Invite by room system 



Start recording


Stop recording


Auto recording


Allow attendee to record 


Meeting views     

Gallery view 


Speaker view 


Thumbnail view 


Show/hide video non-video participants

Swap content 



Local view



Spotlight a video

Pin a video



View in-meeting chat




Raise hand


Closed captioning     

Enable/disable CC



Adjust CC font size 



Manually type CC



Live transcription



Display watermark while sharing 





Display watermark with video 





Host privileges     

Make participant host


Claim host privileges 


Make participant co-host 



Receive co-host privileges 



Make room alternate host



Meeting alert      

Upcoming meeting alert before meeting 


Upcoming meeting alert during meeting 



Join a webinar 





Promote to panelist





Make participant view only 





Side by side mode 






Avoid Bluetooth audio device 



Audio device quality issues 



Low battery on controller 


Controller disconnected 


High CPU usage 


Low network bandwidth 


Zoom Room offline 


Display disconnected 



Auto login not configured





Weekly restart 



Select day for auto restart 




Restart Zoom Room from web 



Restart OS from web



Digital Signage

Digital signage 


Split screen layout 



Weather widgets on display 



Background image

Meeting participants 

Sort participants list


Display number of participants not on screen


Large meeting support



Allow participant to annotate 







Multiple Screens     

Dual screens 



Triple screens 





Send problem report 




Revolabs integration 




Amazon Alexa integration 




Polycom Trio 8800 












Room control for third party devices






Auto check-in 



Release room 



Delete recurring meetings 



Calendar integration     



OAuth support for O365/Exchange calendar integration 



Google Calendar

Third-party meeting join     







Skype for Business


Microsoft Teams





Google Hangout



One touch join



Zoom Rooms for Touch

Toggle touch functionality



Dual displays





Shape detecting




Multi-page whiteboard




Send whiteboard to internal contacts only




Save a multi page whiteboard as a single PDF





Companion whiteboard




Content sharing with Magewell




Contact list

Search contacts/rooms




Invite by room or contat 


Show contact availaibility 

Set room availability status 


Password protected meetings

TSP meeting



AES-256 GCM Encryption


Direct share encryption 


Remote management

Avoid Bluetooth audio device



Usage tracking 


Audio log 



Audio device quality issues 


Low batter on controller 

Controller disconnected 

High CPU usage 

Low network bandwidth 

Zoom Room offline 

Display disconnected 



Auto login not configured




Weekly restart

Select day for auto restart



Restart Zoom Room from web


Restart OS from web