Review Team
The QAU Module 5 below outlines the duties and responsibilities of the Review Team appointed to conduct Quality Assurance reviews of The UWI programmes/disciplines and select support services. These reviews are undertaken on behalf of the Board for Undergraduate Studies (BUS) and the Board for Graduate Studies and Research (BGSR). Programme/discipline and select services reviews are usually conducted on a 5-7 year cycle. Review teams normally consist of senior academics from international universities, senior academics from the same discipline within The UWI, national or regional professionals, and an online subject matter expert, in the case of the Open Campus. For reviews of support services, appropriately qualified administrators from overseas universities, administrators from the same service unit from another Campus, and a local or regional professional in the field comprise the teams. With effect from the 2021-2022 academic year, appropriately trained UWI students (Student Members of Quality Assurance Review Teams or SMQARTS) will also be invited to serve as members of review teams.
This review team structure allows The University to not only benchmark the quality of its programmes/disciplines and services nationally, regionally and internationally but also to consider relevance to related employment sectors. Ensuring the quality of the student experience is the concern that is central to the review process. To review Module 5 kindly click on the link below.
Here's a link to the Module 5 document - Guidance Notes for the Review Team