Welcome to your special area on the UWI QAU website.
Whether you are a pre-University, undergraduate, postgraduate or research student studying at the Cave Hill, Mona, Open or St. Augustine, you are the main reason The UWI exists.
This internet portal is designed to provide an easy route for you to conveniently navigate to sources of information that will ensure your expectations are met and your voice is heard. Your feedback is critical as we work to ensure that your experience at The University of the West Indies (UWI) is a satisfying and productive one.
Quality assurance is a shared responsibility which we take seriously. Quality is a core objective of The UWI 2017-2022 Strategic Plan. We know that you have options and we have a duty to serve you, and be responsive to the concerns of governments and, by extension, those of the people of the Caribbean Region. To this end we are continuously working to develop our policies, procedures and resources to support your study needs. In return, we need you to give us your honest input to quality assurance reviews, surveys and other quality assurance mechanisms so that we can properly and systematically respond to your needs. These mechanisms include Student-Staff Liaison Committees, student representation on campus Academic Boards and university-wide Boards; student participation in training of research student supervisors as well as surveys of students conducted periodically. The UWI is continuing to look at ways to ensure the student voice is heard and very soon the University will operationalize student membership of Quality Assurance review teams. So we are keen to hear from you what is working well, what is not working so well and your suggestions for improving them.
You are a partner in The UWI's quality assurance and enhancement thrust. Take the time to read the information made available in your student welcome pack and online.
We may be contacted if you have any queries.
We look forward to hearing how we can serve you better.
Best wishes
QAU Team