A global graduate
school for the SDGs.

Rooted in the Caribbean.

Shape your career to lead a
fairer and just world

The ISDJ delivers world-class scholarship exclusively on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The suite of offerings comprises multiple laddered online graduate programmes ranging from one-year Masters to shorter micro-credentials at the Certificate and Diploma levels.

About the ISDJ

Featured Programs

Online Learning

Join our community of learners, and benefit from a more personalized and effective learning experience that suits your lifestyle.

Tuition & Finances

Our tuition options ensure that higher education is accessible and affordable for everyone.


An SDG-engaged University

In a world facing challenges with sustainable development and the attainment of the SDGs, The UWI recognizes the importance of providing future leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to drive positive change.

As an SDG-engaged university, we prioritised building global partnerships and connecting knowledge to opportunities for multi-stakeholder development solutions with a special Caribbean focus.

About The ISDJ

About The UWI


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