Goal 1
To execute innovative cross-institute research themes and programmes addressing regional and global health priorities.
Strategic Objectives
- To develop and implement cross-institute research themes and programmes
- To establish research teams and conduct innovative projects within each theme addressing regional and global health priorities
- To strengthen and extend the CaIHR network of regional and global research partners and stakeholders
Goal 2
To translate evidence based research on priority issues to develop and strengthen programmes that improve lives globally.
Strategic Objectives
- Develop, pilot and publish health interventions in priority areas
- To use peer reviewed, population-based evidence, generated by CaIHR and others, to inform and influence health policy and improve health outcomes in the Caribbean
- To share evidence of effective sustainable health interventions with policy makers in the region and internationally, and contribute to the design and evaluation of programmes at scale
Goal 3
To develop a cadre of highly skilled, outstanding researchers and professionals to respond to health needs in the Caribbean and beyond.
Strategic Objectives
- To implement a structured approach to mentorship of junior and intermediate faculty
- To train outstanding researchers and health professionals in areas consistent with the goals and objectives of CaIHR
- To continue capacity building initiatives relevant to CaIHR and regional research needs
Goal 4
To be an effectively and efficiently managed institute.
Strategic Objectives
- To have clearly documented and communicated roles and responsibilities for all members of staff
- To have clearly documented and communicated key management/administrative processes
- To strengthen core services to effectively support the work of the institute
- To have an informative and engaging communication strategy reaching all stakeholders
Goal 5
To generate sufficient income to sustain the institute’s needs, initiatives and projects
Strategic Objectives
- To obtain substantial grant funds to support research and other initiatives
- To generate income from training, services and new sources of income
- To develop a system to prioritize funding for identified needs, initiatives, projects