Meet the Risk Management Staff

The RMU staff work with the various stakeholders of the University to assist in strengthening the oversight processes.

Miss Cheryl Daley

University Risk Manager


Ext. #:- 8779

Cheryl serves as leader, advisor and facilitator for the University’s institution level risk identification, analysis, evaluation, monitoring and reporting. She leads the Risk Management Unit overseeing the University’s operational and strategic risk management including business continuity and insurance risks.

Mrs. Marvette Facey-Thompson

Administrative Officer


Ext. #:- 8933

Marvette serves as the Administrative Officer where she provides ongoing administrative and technical support to all the initiatives and activities of the RMU including the oversight over training/workshops, RMU’s website, and newsletters. Ongoing inquiries about risk management related events and other resources can be directed to her.

Mr. Antoneile Brown

Risk Officer 


Ext. #:- 8994 

Antoneile is the Risk Officer/ Analyst providing technical support to all the initiatives and activities of the RMU including the oversight over training/workshops, RMU’s risk management software and website.