How it Works

Postgraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) System & Descriptors

Grade descriptors are a set of guidelines for assessment in individual disciplines and used to generate assessment rubrics, assignment-specific marking schemes and marking criteria for every course in both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes. This allows lecturers to identify and assess the range of knowledge and skills demonstrated by students more effectively.

 A+  4.30  90 - 100   Exceptional   Demonstrates exceptional performance and achievement in all aspects of the course. Exceptional application of theoretical and technical knowledge that demonstrates achievement of the learning outcomes. Goes beyond the material in the course and displays exceptional aptitude in solving complex issues identified. Achieves the highest level of critical, compelling, coherent and concise argument or solutions within the course. 
 A  4.00 80 - 89   Outstanding  Demonstrates outstanding integration of a full range of appropriate principles, theories, evidence and techniques. Displays innovative and/or insightful responses. Goes beyond the material with outstanding conceptualization which is original, innovative and/or insightful. Applies outstanding critical thinking skills. 
 A- 3.70  75 - 79   Excellent  Demonstrates excellent breadth of knowledge, skills and competencies and presents these in appropriate forms using a wide range of resources. Demonstrates excellent evidence of original thought, strong analytical and critical abilities; excellent organizational, rhetorical and presentational skills. 
 B+ 3.30  70 -74   Very Good  Demonstrates evidence of very good critical and analytical thinking in most aspects of the course. Very good knowledge that is comprehensive, accurate and relevant. Very good insight into the material and very good use of a range of appropriate resources. Consistently applies very good theoretical and technical knowledge to achieve the desired learning outcomes. 
 B  3.00  65 - 69  Good  Demonstrates good knowledge, rhetorical and organizational skills. Good insight into the material and a good use of a range of appropriate resources. Good integration of a range of principles, techniques, theories and evidence. 
 B- 2.70  60 - 64   Satisfactory  Displays satisfactory evidence of the application of theoretical and technical knowledge to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Demonstrates sound organizational and rhetorical skills. 
 C+ 2.30  55 - 59    Fair  Demonstrates fair breadth and depth of knowledge of main components of the subject. Fair evidence of being able to assemble some of the appropriate principles, theories, evidence and techniques and to apply some critical thinking. 
 C  2.00  50 - 54 Acceptable   Demonstrates acceptable application of theoretical and technical knowledge to achieve the minimum learning outcomes required in the course. Displays acceptable little evidence of critical thinking and the ability to link theory to application. 
 FE/FC  1.70      Fail Exam/Fail Coursework
 F1  1.70 40 - 49  Unsatisfactory   Demonstrates unsatisfactory application of theoretical and technical knowledge and understanding of the subject. Displays unsatisfactory ability to put theory into practice; weak theoretical and reflective insight. Unsatisfactory critical thinking, organizational and rhetorical skills. 
 F2 1.30   30 - 39  Weak  Weak overall performance with very limited knowledge and understanding of the subject. Little evidence of theoretical and reflective insights. Weak organizational and rhetorical skills. 
 F3 0.00   0 - 29  Poor  Overall poor or minimal evidence of knowledge and understanding of the subject. Displays little ability to put theory into practice; lacks theoretical and reflective insights. Incomplete breadth and depth of knowledge on substantive elements of the subject. Little or no evidence of critical engagement with the material. Responses are affected by irrelevant sources of information, poor organizational and rhetorical skills. 



Grading Policy


A+ 4.3 90-100
A 4.0 80-89
A- 3.7 75-79
B+ 3.3 70-74
B 3.0 65-69
B- 2.7 60-64
C+ 2.3 55-59
C 2.0 50-54
F1/F1CW/F1WE 1.7 45-49
F2/F2CW/F2WE 1.3 40-44
F3/F3CW/F3WE 0.0 0-39
FCW/FWE 1.7 ≥50



How is GPA calculated?





Letter Grade

Quality points

(2) x (5)

Course 1 8 82 A 4.0 32.0
Course 2 6 72 B+ 3.3 19.8
Course 3 8 66 B 3.0 24.0
Course 4 6 74 B+ 3.3 19.8
Total 28       95.6

Semester GPA = 95.6 ÷ 28 = 3.414

Overall programme GPA = (Course credits × Quality Points) ÷ (Total programme credits)


  • A student who fails an element of a course that counts towards the final grade (either coursework or final examination), will be deemed to have failed that course. They will be assigned the grade FCW or FWE (Fail Coursework, Fail Exam), if they obtain an ‘overall’ mark of 50% or higher.

  • A student who passes an element of a course but does not obtain an overall mark of 50 or higher, will fall into the grade category in accordance with the mark achieved i.e., F1/F1CW/F1WE, F2/F2CW/F2WE,. F3/F3CW/F3WE.

  • Academic standing will be based on the Semester GPA (not course GPA).

  • If a student’s Semester GPA falls below 2.0, the student will be given a warning in the first semester this occurs

  • If the student’s semester GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, the student will be “required to withdraw” (RTW)

  • RTW will not be employed for individual course grades, but students MUST pass all courses before they graduate.