What is the Centre for Reparation Research?
The Centre for Reparation Research (CRR), officially began operations in March 2017 but was, however, launched to the public in October 2017. The CRR was created to promote research and engage in advocacy around the legacies of the transatlantic trafficking in enslaved Africans, African chattel enslavement, post-slavery indentureship (for example Indian indentureship), colonialism and its legacies in the Caribbean; and assist to bring justice and positive transformation to societies affected by these legacies.
The Centre for Reparation Research’s commitment to research, knowledge creation, documentation and the dissemination of information to what has become a Global Reparatory Justice Movement could never be stronger. The CRR, therefore, supports and contributes to the implementation of CARICOM’s Reparatory Justice Programme through the 10-point plan, which broadly seeks to foster public awareness around the lasting and adverse consequences of European invasion of Indigenous Peoples’ lands, African enslavement and colonialism in the Caribbean. The CRR also supports long-standing reparatory justice advocates, including Indigenous Peoples, Rastafari, civil society groups and individual academics, politicians and national reparation committees/councils/advisory groups locally, regionally and internationally. The Centre has embraced an additional responsibility – working with Departments, Institutes, Schools, Centres Units and Sites (DISCUS) at The University of the West Indies (for example, The P.J. Patterson Institute for Africa-Caribbean Advocacy and the Institute of Caribbean Studies).The CRR also engages in outreach to other educational institutions, including Caribbean high schools, to promote education on colonial legacies and the need for justice and repair.
To be the leading center for reparation research, advocacy, and education in the Caribbean, fostering collaborative efforts to address the historical injustices of slavery and colonialism while advancing the region’s socioeconomic development.
To develop robust, evidence-based research on reparations, engage national and international partners, create educational programs, and mobilize advocacy for reparation justice across the Caribbean and in key global contexts, particularly the UK.
A major objective and function of the CRR is to use its research to advocate for reparatory justice, equity and greater knowledge creation and understanding of the historical basis and modern day conditions that necessitate reparations. In so doing the CRR builds the capacity of CARICOM member states and institutions, raise public consciousness and support activism founded on Reparatory Justice.
The CRR primarily promotes and spearheads research on the legacies of African chattel enslavement and colonialism. This includes research on native genocide in the Caribbean, various forms of bonded labour and the aftermath of the Emancipation Act, including unjust compensation to enslavers.
The Centre has embraced the responsibility of developing educational programs for students, policymakers, stakeholders,researchers and the general public to raise awareness about the reparation movement and its significance. Consequently, the CRR is very intentional about collaborating with departments, institutes, schools, centres, units, and sites (DISCUS) at the UWI, as well as with other educational institutions, including Caribbean high schools, to promote education on colonial legacies and the need for justice and repair.
Upcoming Events
Chattel Slavery and the Implications for Cultural Reparation
The Centre for Reparation Research invites you to participate in our first webinar of 2025 ‘Chattel Slavery and the Implications...
3:00 PM
Research Cluster on Reparatory Justice
The Centre for Reparation Research is excited to announce the upcoming launch of the One-UWI Reparatory Justice Research Cluster...
11:00 AM
International Debate Competition
Represent your school on the global stage in the Centre for Reparations Research's INternational Reparation Debate Competition.
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12:00 AM