Office of the University CIO

Office of the UCIO Achievements 2020/21


 OneUWI Cross-Campus Initiatives 


ICT Governance

  • Provide leadership and coordination in many university-wide ICT projects guided by the governance of the University ICT Steering Committee 


Cross‐Campus Learning Management System (CCM)

  • There was an increase in demand for the CCM platform to deliver cross-campus courses. This was particularly a requirement from the Faculty of Medical Sciences to utilise the CCM for MBBS and some DM final exams. The Office was involved in coordinating the cross-campus FMS technical team and eLearning team.


CDB Loan Appraisal Preparation (Technical)

  • Facilitated responding to Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in preparing the Appraisal document for the Digital Transformation loan. This activity was conducted in close collaboration with Campus CIOs and cross-campus teams. 


Website Redesign ‐ Cross‐Campus and websites

  • Lead cross-campus technical web team in collaboration with Marketing and Communication in the redesign of websites. The project involved the redesign of top-level web pages at the university and campuses.


Student Experience Survey – IT Working Group (Sub‐Committee of BUS)

  • Completed evaluation of university-wide student survey platform and negotiate with selected vendor for enterprise license.
  • Coordinated cross-campus Course Evaluation Coordinators team to commence implementing the selected solution.


Microsoft Office365 for All staff  

  • Assisted with coordinating the migration of email (Open, St. Augustine campuses)
  • Prepared O365 Draft Security Baseline checklist for UWI.EDU using Microsoft Secure Score and Microsoft Cloud Information Security Benchmark with cross-campus team
  • Commenced transitioning to M365 license model. 


Data Protection Policy - IT Working Group

  • Lead the IT Working Group with members from cross-campus IT team.
  • Completed phase 1 implementation activities.
  • Provided dedicated Project Management services to University Data Protection Policy Implementation Committee. 


Standard Operating Procedures

  • The goal of this new initiative is to promote change and improve the way things are currently done by incorporating best practices into our processes and procedures. 


ICT Solutions for Vice Chancellery Units

Websites developed for RHQ units include:

  • Post Graduate Grade Point Average (GPA) for Board of Graduate Studies & Research
  • Cardiff Hall
  • Office of Online Learning
  • Digital Transformation
  • UWI Data Protection



ICT Operations Services to RHQ

  • Provided ICT Support Services to RHQ users – Significant increase in activities in areas such as:
    • Video Conferencing
    • VPN requests
    • SharePoint Repositories for University Meetings  


Sharepoint upgrade (platform used for University Meetings)

  • SharePoint 2013 upgrade to version 2019. Project is in progress and scheduled to be completed by June 2022.


Training and Development Security Awareness

  • MS Office 356 major increase in the request and addition of new users


IAD Unit


  • Completed Major upgrade of IAD’s CiviCRM instance. 




  • Payment Processor Gateway Migration from plug’n’pay to First Atlantic Commerce. This payment gateway is actively being used by Alumni Online and UWI Giving platforms.


Training Development - Security Awareness; Microsoft O365


  • MS Office 365 major increase in the request and addition of new users
  • Security Awareness training for RHQ users