General Collections
The Centre maintains the following Collections:
Documents and Reports: published and unpublished, by regional and international governmental and non-governmental agencies.
Serials: The Centre subscribes to a large number of journals covering many social science disciplines. The Centre also maintains a computer print-out of periodicals held in the Mona Library System.
Reference Collection: There is a special section for quick reference books which include encyclopaedias, dictionaries both language and subject), directories, statistical yearbooks, guides and handbooks.
ISES/UWI Archive Collection: The Centre attempts to collect, as comprehensively as possible, the published and unpublished social science material produced by UWI staff during their tenure of office.
Microform: It is policy to acquire back issues of journals and relevant monographs on microfiche.
Theses: A small collection of theses and dissertations presented by successful candidates for higher degrees at the UWI and other universities is available in the Centre for reference.