The UWIAA ASEAN CONTACT - Michael Morrissey

We need your help to grow the SE Asia (ASEAN) UWIAA contingent!

Stay connected to your Alma Mater and "Show your Pelican Pride!"

Kindly contact: Mr. Michael Morrissey


If you live in or are visiting any of the following 10 South East Asian countries then Mike is your man - why?

Because he has lived in, worked in or visited them, that's why!

  • Cambodia
  • Laos 
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Mynanmar
  • Malaysia
  • Brunei

If you have any questions or need suggestions, please contact Mike - network with other Pelians while you visit the ASEAN!


Mike was a Masters student on the Mona Campus in the 1970's and 80's and was awarded an MSc in Geography and an MA in Education. He then became a lecturer, senior lecturer (1971-97) then was appointed as Hon. Consultant to the Vice Chancellor's office in 2003 and Hon. Prof. in 2005.

He has been a Consultant to most development banks (IADB, AsDB, WB etc.) and international organizations (UNESCO, UNICEF, ILO etc.) and several donor organizations (e.g USAID, UKAid, SIDA etc. ). He has published widely and is well known as a specialist in education sector development. 


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