Office of Administration

The Office of Administration works closely with a number of internal and external stakeholders. These achievements are reflections of collaborative endeavours.
Office of the University Registrar
- Chaired RHQ Recreation Committee which delivered staff engagement activities (Karaoke and games night, Sports Day, Movie Night)
- Led the University Data Protection Implementation Project Team
- Served as a Chair of the Central Planning Committee for the UWI 75th Anniversary Celebrations
- Hosted OoA’s Staff Excursion
- Chaired RHQ Culture Committee which hosted observances of National Heroes’ Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Breast Cancer Awareness, Easter, International Women Day
- Painted the NWC Basic School as its 2023 Labour Day Project
- Produced and published the 7th edition of the VIV Newsletter
- Anonymised the rulings of the Visitor
- Coordinated the approval process for a University Policy Framework
- Digitised 1996–2013 BUS and BGSR Meeting papers
- Serviced the UWI Library Advisory Committee
- Coordinated annual staff appreciation activity
- Organised annual retirees’ function
- Delivered Year 2 of the IGNITE Mentorship Programme
- Guided the substantive completion of the development of a portal to track submissions to UAC
- Constructed platform for fuel tank, dismantled, lifted and relocated existing tank, reconnected pipes and fittings to fuel tank now above ground
- Effected repairs to the RHQ’s irrigation system
- Developed an Electronic Facilities Request System for the RHQ
- Introduced new security arrangements for RHQ
- Mitigated drainage and flooding issues at the Energy Centre
- Oversaw the relocation of the Legal Unit and University Data Protection Office
- Painted exterior of building crown, energy centre and gas cylinder enclosure
- Led UARMP Share Point Focus Group
- Coordinated development of Campus Vital Records Programmes
- Mounted two exhibitions
- Documented the University’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Develop standardized introductory record management training course for staff to be delivered on demand on the various campuses
- Provided technical assistance to CARICOM to develop its record and archives programme
- Implemented income generating projects for UWIM
- Sourced funding for digitisation of endangered AV collection
- Conducted risk assessment for various stakeholders
- Guided the substantive completion of the Risk Management Website
- Served as Secretariat for the University Risk Management Steering Committee
- Published Risk Management Policy and Framework
- Coordinated annual graduation ceremonies
- Oversaw the implementation of the new RHQ marketing strategy
- Guided the substantive completion of the development of a web portal for the VC’s Awards for Excellence
- Coordinated one Principal Induction Ceremony
- Guided the procurement process for new academic regalia
- Coordinated select UWI 75th Anniversary Events
- Managed OoA’s Compliance and Legal Attestation
- Served as Secretariat to the Governance Review Implementation Committee
Human Resources
Facilities Management
Archives and Museum
Risk Management
Special Projects
Registrar and Chief Administrative Officer of The UWI, Dr. Maurice D. Smith, was appointed a Trustee and Vice-Chair of the IAM-USA Foundation, headquartered in Washington D.C., effective September 1, 2022.
A global organisation, the IAM-USA Foundation’s mission and vision seek to empower the most vulnerable children and adults through self-esteem literacy, resiliency education, apprenticeship and social entrepreneurship training, building life skills and a healthy self- image.
Founder, CEO and Board Chair of the I AM-USA Foundation, Dr. Myrtle P. Alexander, noted Dr. Smith’s selection was based on the confidence in his contributions to education especially in the areas of leadership, policy and equity.