As the Caribbean region marked 185 years of emancipation from slavery, history unfolded in Barbados with a convergence of African Union, CARICOM and civil society leaders for a high-level Study Tour on Reparations and Racial Healing.
Partners included the African Union Economic Social and Cultural Council (AU- ECOSOCC) and The UWI, with Vice-Chancellor and CARICOM Reparations Commission Chair, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles as a key contributor.

A need was identified to create a political framework to guide cooperation on issues of reparative justice between the African continent, the Caribbean and Latin America.
There is also a need to ensure that the reparations dialogue incorporates shared and contemporary challenges.

The historic study tour was the result of the February 2023 decision of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government which called for a Common African Position and Programme of Action on reparations and reparative justice. Other key partners in the convening of the study tour included the Caribbean Pan African Network (CPAN), the Government of Barbados, with the Open Society Foundations serving as a facilitator. “There is only so much the diaspora can do without the powerful voice and solidarity of African political leadership...finally, as in the Caribbean, African governments have now come on board. We believe this will change the entire trajectory of reparatory justice.” Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles