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Global Campus & Partner Courses

General Programmes and Courses

The UWI Global Campus offers academic programmes online and face to face in a range of fields.

Explore our general programmes and courses


Programmes and Short Courses Focused on Sustainable Development

As a university located in a climate vulnerable region, The UWI offers courses geared towards promoting climate literacy. The UWI also equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become informed citizens who can contribute towards a more sustainable future.

The UWI Global Campus offers climate and sustainability-related courses within our programmes to which special admission is facilitated. These courses are listed for consideration.

Undergraduate Programmes

BSc Entrepreneurship    
MGMT3089 Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

BSc Political Science    
SOCI2035 Research Methods in the Behavioural Sciences including E-Governance for Small Island Developing States, Sustainability and SOCI2037 Principles of Sustainable Development

BSc Tourism and Hospitality Management    
TOUR3001 Sustainable Tourism

Diploma in Youth Development Work    
YDEW2007 Youth and Sustainable Development


Graduate Programmes

The course MGMT6205 Sustainable Financial Management is covered as part of several degree programmes in management.

MSc Management (General)

MSc Management (Human Resource Management)

MSc Management (Management Information Systems)

MSc Management (Marketing)

MSc Management (Project Management)

MSc Management (Public Sector Management)

MSc Management and Educational Leadership

Postgraduate Diploma in Management and Educational Leadership

Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies


Continuing and Professional Education

The UWI Global Campus also caters to the needs of lifelong learners. Please note that course availability is subject to change.

Disaster Risk Financing & Analytics: A Practitionerís Guide

Fundamentals of Disaster Risk Financing for Advancing Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States

Transformational Leadership to Achieve the SDGs in Developing States


Partner Courses

future learn

Future Learn Courses

The UWI and online learning platform FutureLearn collaborated to provide Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to an international audience. Eight MOOCs on subjects pertaining to Caribbean culture and development are available to learners. Two of the courses are highlighted as part of this hub.

The Just Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy

Gender, Climate Justice and Food Systems Resilience


Inter-American Development Bank Courses

The UWI has partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank to provide five MOOCs on climate change education, risk assessments and risk management within development or infrastructure projects. These courses are offered via the Edx and Coursera learning platforms.


Climate Change Education

Natural Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Projects

Risk Management in Development Projects


Climate Change Education

Natural Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessment Specialisation