The Task Force

The University of the West Indies has research expertise and capacity in areas of vector control, clinical research, laboratory assay development, economic impact analysis, education, grant resource mobilisation, patient database management, and communication. The UWI will make these assets available to the region through the following task force of eminent scientists, clinicians, educators and public health leaders.

Prof. Clive Landis

Medical Researcher and Deputy Principal,
UWI Cave Hill,

Click to view bio

Ms. Angela Mc Rose
Chronic Disease Research Centre,
UWI Cave Hill,
Barbados - Infectious Disease Epidemiologist and Member of the Global Outbreak Alert & Response Network (GOARN), WHO
Dr. Winston Moore
Department of Economics, UWI
Cave Hill
Economist with expertise in Environmental Impact Assessments on Caribbean Economies
Prof. Dave Chadee
Department of Life Science,
UWI St. Augustine,
Environmental Health Researcher (a.k.a. 'The Mosquito Man')
Prof. Surujpal Teelucksingh
Faculty of Medical Sciences,
UWI St. Augustine,
Medical Researcher
Prof. John Lindo
Department of Microbiology
UWI Mona,
Medical Researcher
Prof. Celia Christie-Samuels
UWI Mona,
Professor of Paediatrics (Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Public Health)


Dr. Glenford Howe
Social and Educational Research and Policy Analysis
UWI Open Campus
Dr. Veronica Simon
UWI Open Campus,
Continuing Education & Outreach
Prof. Dale Webber
UWI Centre,
UWI Mona,
Pro Vice Chancellor Graduate Studies & Research
Dr. Dawn Marie De Four-Gill
Marketing & Communications
St. Augustine Campus,
University & Campus Director,
Professor Dr Eric van Gorp
Department of Viroscience,
Erasmus University
Virology and Technical Support
Zika Symposium Resources now available