The reporting period 2017/2018 is notable in that it marks the first year of the implementation of The UWI Triple A Strategy 2017–2022. As such, this report gives a glimpse into the ways in which the entire university system—all units, departments, faculties and campuses—has begun to streamline its planning operations and execution of activities to support this visionary new plan. It also provides a measure of the University's pace along the path it has set toward revitalising Caribbean development.
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The UWI Triple A Strategy shows how The UWI will use its resources and capabilities to achieve maximum outcome in its quest to revitalise Caribbean development while ensuring its long-term survival. It is based on three pillars or strategic goals:
Increasing participation in tertiary and higher education for all, ensuring that all offerings such as teaching and learning, student development, consulting, research and public advocacy programmes reach the Caribbean's underserved and diaspora communities and all with an interest in higher education around the world.
Creating relevant value-added relationships with alumni and wealth generators, and collaborating with governmental, non-governmental, entrepreneurial and international partners to ensure that The UWI's offerings fulfil the needs of all the communities that it was established to serve.
Using The UWI's resources—including human and physical—and capabilities to respond to the needs of its customers, including alumni, in a changing environment. This agility will create an entrepreneurial university with a diversified revenue base, an improved global presence to ensure economic stability through global expansion, operational efficiencies and financial profitability.
Participants of the Strategic Planning Management retreat in November 2018.