During the year under review, the Office of Administration (OA) continued to discharge its normal operational responsibilities but also undertook several significant strategic initiatives pursuant to the University's Strategic Plan.
The Office of Administration continued its lead role in promoting "people-centric culture" within the University with a view to improving the levels of employee engagement and productivity within the organization. In this regard the Office adopted the Barry Wehmiller Leadership philosophy of "Everybody Matters" and conducted workshops at the Regional Headquarters as well as the St. Augustine Campus, which focussed on the self, the team and the business. It is anticipated that all levels of leadership will be exposed to these workshops as we promote an "employee-centric culture."
The other major area of strategic focus was that of internal processes. Some progress was achieved in the review and harmonization of recruitment and admissions processes but there is still considerable work to be done.
The OA was integrally involved in the strategic planning process and assisted in the co-ordination of several retreats to prepare the Strategic Plan 2017-2022.
During the period under review, the Vice-Chancellor commissioned three major task forces viz the One UWI Task Force, the Open Campus Task Force and the Task Force to examine the Financial Health of the University. The University Registrar was a member and resource person and the OA serviced the One UWI and Open Campus’Task Forces. The recommendations emanating from these task forces were passed on to Implementation Committees and are being actively pursued.