Bert Hoffmann is Lead Researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, Germany, and currently interim co-director of the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies. He also is Head of the GIGA Berlin Office and since 2014 Professor of Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Bert Hoffmann has taught numerous university courses and has worked on major research projects. These include various research projects on Cuba’s political, economic and social transformations since 1989; a five-country comparative study on the regulation and use of new information and communication technologies in Latin America; a 22-country study on emigrant policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. As Principal Investigator in the German-Latin American Centre of Infection & Epidemiology Research & Training (GLACIER) he is currently leading a comparative study of COVID-19 vaccination policies and politics in Central America and the Caribbean.
He has published widely on political issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. For more information and a list of publications see: