Director’s Message Cave Hill Campus

Welcome to the SALISES, UWI Cave Hill, the Campus-by-the-sea. 

This SALISES unit was established in 1963 with a mission to address the Eastern Caribbean life-space through social science disciplines dedicated to addressing multifaceted issues in development.  Known for its Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, and its recent policy research addressing youth unemployment, entrepreneurship and finance, creative economy opportunities, international financial business challenges, crime and prison rehabilitation and religion and human rights, the Research Fellows contribute to the search for evidence-based analyses and solutions to current issues of milieu. 

The overall knowledge produced by the Fellows can be found in leading international scholarly journals and publishing presses.  At the moment we at SALISES  are gearing up to establish a Caribbean-China Belt and Road Research Cluster.  Apart from the Fellows, and our graduate students, the Research Cluster will feature faculty drawn from UWI, China University of Political Science and Law, University of Johannesburg, University of Ghana, University of Alberta, University of Havana and Warwick University.  The intent is to produce knowledge and policy briefs that will address the impact of Chinese lending and ongoing deepening relations with countries of the Global South, including the Caribbean.  Our Audine Wilkinson Library will also feature holdings be a one stop place to access material addressing China-Caribbean Relations, and the SALISES Cave Hill unit shall serve as the Secretariat/Hub for this Research Cluster.  Currently we are accessing funding partners to assist both the work of the Hub and research themes therein. 

We hold that China’s global influence coincident with developments ten years after the global financial crisis, together with extant threats posed by climate change, mark seismic changes in the contemporary global political economy.  Much like the balance of global historical, and socio-political forces that engendered the rise of the New World Group of scholars that would challenge the then prevailing development orthodoxies, we deem it important at this conjuncture to function as avant garde for heterodox thinking and discourses around sustainable development.

Professor Don D. Marshall

University Director and Director, SALISES, Cave Hill