Bailey, Corin, Jonathan Lashley, Latoya Lazarus, Don Marshall and Ana Paula de la O Campos (forthcoming). Rural Poverty in the Caribbean: Assets, Social Exclusion and Agricultural Livelihoods. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study No. [unassigned]. Rome: FAO. (145 pages)
Marshall, Don, Jonathan Lashley and Halimah DeShong (2020). IV: Living in the Present: Caribbean Youth Not in Education, Not in Employment and Not in Training. In: Telson, Laurence, Cynthia Marie Hobbs, Maria Jose Flor Agreda and Leslie Hunter (eds.) (2020). Masculinity in the Caribbean: Why does it Matter? Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank. pp. 118-176. (58 pages).
I. Bailey, C., (2020) Gendered Responses to Male Offending in Barbados: Patriarchal perceptions and their effect on offender treatment. Routledge. New York.
II. Bailey, C., Lashley, J., & Barrow, C. (2019) Rethinking poverty: Assets, social exclusion, resilience and human rights in Barbados. University of the West Indies Press. Jamaica.
III. Joosen, K., & Bailey, C., (eds) (2018) Caribbean Crime and Criminal Justice: impacts of post-colonialism and gender. Routledge. New York.
IV. Waller, L., Bailey, C., & Johnson, S., (2015) Fear of Cybercrime: Lessons for the global e-banking sector. Ian Randle. Jamaica.
Book chapters
V. Bailey, C., (2018) Introduction in Joosen, K., & Bailey, C., (eds). Caribbean Crime and Criminal Justice: impacts of post-colonialism and gender. Routledge. New York.1-5.
VI. Bailey, C., (2018) Perceptions of Familial Responsibility as a Practical Constraint in Judicial Decision Making: focal concerns and gender bias in sentencing on the island of Barbados in Joosen, K., & Bailey, C., (eds). Caribbean Crime and Criminal Justice: impacts of post-colonialism and gender. Routledge. New York. 267-284.
VII. Bailey, C. (2010). Crime and Development in the Caribbean: a review in Growth and Development Strategies for the Caribbean. Caribbean Development Bank. 323-37
Journal articles
VIII.Bailey, C., Cresser, J., Coore-Desai, C., (2019) Participation in organised sports and delinquent/problem behaviour among high school boys in Jamaica and Barbados: A socio-historical analysis of prevalence and associated factors. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies. Vol. 44, Marshall, D., Bailey, C., Lashley, J., Lazarus, L., Lord, K., Smith. J. (2017). Special Issue: Barbados at 50: National Values Assessment Survey. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies. 42, 1, 1-68.
Bailey, C., Robinson, T., & Coore-Desai, C. (2014) Corporal Punishment in the Caribbean: Attitudes and Practices. Social and Economic Studies Vol. 63, 3 & 4, 207-233
IX. Bailey, C., (2014) Money and Respect: Masculinity and drug smuggling in the Caribbean. Caribbean Journal of Criminology. Vol. 1, 1, 23-47. Institute of Criminal Justice and Security. Jamaica
X. Bailey, C., & Coore-Desai, C. (2013) Exploring determinants of aggression: Self-esteem, narcissism and exposure to violence from a sample of Jamaican school children. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies. Vol. 38, 3, 63-84.
XI. Bailey, C., (2013) Exploring female motivations for drug smuggling on the island of Barbados. Feminist Criminology. Vol. 8, 2, 117-141.
XII. Bailey, C., (2012) Familial Paternalism Examined: The Case of Shoplifting in Bridgetown Barbados. Social and Economic Research. Vol. 61, 2, 73-98.
XIII. Bailey, C., & Coore-Desai, C. (2012) The effect of exposure to community violence on levels of aggression: Evidence from a sample of Jamaican children. Childhood. Vol. 19, 188-203.
XIV. Bailey, C. (2011) Living with community violence: A Conversations with primary school children in Kingston’s inner-city. Space and Culture Vol. 14, 114-128.
XV. Bailey, C., (2010) Social Protection in Communities Vulnerable to Criminal Activity. Social and Economic Studies Vol. 59, 1 & 2. 211-42.
XVI. Bailey, C. (2009) Youth Participation in school-based activities the Eastern Caribbean. Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean, Vol. 11, 2, 60-84.
XVII. Bailey, C & Coore-Desai, C. (2009) Offender Abuse History: findings from Her Majesty’s Prison, Barbados. Caribbean Journal of Criminology and Public Safety. Vol. 14, 1 & 2, 49-80.
XVIII. Bailey, C, (2009) The Excluded Child: exposure to violence in inner-city communities. Caribbean Childhoods: Journal of the Children’s Issues Coalition. Vol. 4, 64-79.
XIX. Bailey, C., & Lovell, K. (2008). The Role of Gender in the Application of Discretion by members of the Police and Wider Society in Barbados. Wadabagei, a Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora. Vol. 11, 3, 119-141.
XX. Bailey, C., (2007) ‘Fight or Flight’ Fear and Policing Violent Inner-City Communities in the Kingston Metropolitan Area. Wadabagei, a Journal of the Caribbean and its Diasporas. Vol. 10, 1, 24-43.
XXI. Bailey, C., (2005) Creaming and Social Segregation in the Jamaican School System. IDEAZ. Vol 4, 1-2, 61-71.
I. Lashley, J., Marshall, D., Bailey, C., Crawford, C., Lazarus, L., and Lord, K. (2015). Youth are the Future: The Imperative of Youth Employment for Sustainable Development. Barbados: Caribbean Development Bank.
1. Bailey, C. (2019) With Julian Cresser and Charlene Coore-Desai “Participation in Organised Sports and Delinquent/Problem Behaviour Among High School Boys in Jamaica and Barbados: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Prevalence and Associated Factors”. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies. 44(2).
2. Bailey, C. (2017). With Katharina Joosen, (eds). ‘Perceptions of Familial Responsibility as a Practical Constraint in Judicial Decision Making: Focal Concerns and Gender Bias in Sentencing on the Island of Barbados’. Crime and Criminal Justice: Impacts of Post Colonialism and Gender. New York: Routledge.
3. Bailey, C. (2015) “Crime and Violence Prevention in Barbados: Baseline Mapping Exercise.” Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank.
4. Bailey, C. (2014) With Tracy Robinson and Charlene Coore-Desai (2014) "Corporal Punishment in the Caribbean: Attitudes and Practices". Social and Economic Studies. 63(3 & 4): 207-233.