Publications in peer-reviewed journals
1. Kafour, N and Williams, K. 2023. A source of funding for illicit activities or a solution to crime? Evidence from remittance inflows to Jamaica. Journal of International Development. First published online at:
2. Williams, K. 2023. “The impact of trade on schooling over the last five decades in developing countries.” The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
3. Williams, K. 2021. “Does national income mediate the relationship between trade and government size? Empirical Economics.
4. Williams, K. 2021. “Do remittances condition the relationship between trade and government consumption?” Applied Economics Letters, 28 (18): 1571-1577.
5. Williams, K. 2021. “Do international sanctions reduce household and government consumption in developing countries?” South African Journal of Economics, 89(2): 196-217.
6. Williams, K. 2019. “Do political institutions improve the diminishing effect of financial deepening on growth? Evidence from developing countries.” Journal of Economics and Business, 103: 13-24.
7. Williams, K. 2018. “Has the finance-growth link been broken? Panel data evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean.” EconomiA, 19 (3): 404-423.
8. Williams, K. 2018. “Is the relationship between remittances and political institutions monotonic? Evidence from developing countries.” South African Journal of Economics, 8(4): 449-467.
9. Williams, K. 2018. “Workers’ Remittances and Government Size.” Review of Development Economics, 22(3): e115-e134.
10. Williams, K. 2018. “Are remittances good for economic growth? The role of political institutions.” Applied Economics Letters, 25(1): 56-60.
11. Williams, K. 2017. “Do remittances improve political institutions? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.” Economic Modelling, 61: 65-75.
12. Deonanan, R. and Williams, K. 2017. “The effect of remittances on democratic institutions.” Applied Economics, 49(5):403-416.
13. Williams, K. 2017. “Does democracy dampen the effect of finance on economic growth?” Empirical Economics, 52(2): 635-658.
14. Williams, K. 2017. “Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, and Political Instability.” Journal of Economic Development, 42(2): 17-37.
15. Williams, K. 2016. “Remittances and Financial Development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.” African Development Review, 28(3): 357-367.
16. Williams, K. 2015. “Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean: An empirical analysis.” Latin American Journal of Economics, 52 (1): 57-77.