
Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Johnson on his recent publication
Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Johnson on his recent publication.
Evaluating the effects of Cannabis reform...

DPP to tap finance, justice ministries for more staff to keep witnesses and victims informed of court dates, progress
DPP to tap finance, justice ministries for more staff to keep witnesses and victims informed of court dates, progress

‘Envisioning Jamaica’s Health Futures’ UWI Round Table Forum advances discussion on the future of healthcare
The future of healthcare in Jamaica took the spotlight on Monday, as policymakers in public health gathered for knowledge and...

Health Minister, Dr.Tufton says Jamaica must establish a national health insurance programme to combat rising costs of healthcare
Health Minister, Dr. Christopher Tufton, says Jamaica must move toward establishing a national health insurance programme...

SALISES seeks solutions to political apathy through national study
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), in partnership with Behavioural Dynamics Solutions Ltd,...

The UWI SALISES Launches Groundbreaking National Study on Artificial Intelligence in Kingston, Jamaica
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) at The UWI, Mona Campus is proud to announce the launch of a National Study on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices...

Latest Special Issue of the Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies now available
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES),
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus
announces the latest Special Issue of its...

Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Williams on his latest publication
Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Williams on his latest publication.
Remittances and government expenditures on human capital...

UWI signs new partnership agreement with Institute of Development Studies (UK)
UWI signs new partnership agreement with Institute of Development Studies (UK)
At the 25th Annual SALISES...

A SALISES-UWI and Haiti-Jamaica Society Outreach (SHOUT) project for Haiti
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), at The University of the West Indies (UWI), has embarked on an outreach and support effort for the children of Haiti. In particular,...

Congratulations to Dr. Arlene Bailey on her new publication
Book Chapter:
Davison, R. M., Díaz Andrade, A., Bailey, A., Ruhode, E., Walsham, G., van Belle, J. P., ... & Karanasios, S. (2024). Past Practices, Current Debates and Disputes:...

Call for Chapter Contributions
Inequality and its Solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean
Editors: Dr Kevin Williams, Dr Warren Benfield, and Dr Dacia Leslie

Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie on her latest publications
Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie on her recent publications:
Leslie, D. (2024). Exploring the infeasibility of enforcing mandatory in-prison...

Congratulations to Dr. Bephyer Parey on her latest publication
Congratulations to Dr. Bephyer Parey on her latest publication "Potential of carers to meet care needs among older adults...

Congrats to our SALISES colleagues on their new publication
Congratulations to our SALISES colleagues Professor Corin Bailey, Dr....

New Publication from Dr Arlene Bailey
Congratulations to Dr. Arlene Bailey on her new Publication
Windeler, Jaime B., Urquhart, Cathy, Thatcher, Jason B., Carter, Michelle, and Bailey, Arlene...

Dacia Leslie | An efficient police record process critical to Vision 2030
As Jamaica aspires to achieve its Vision 2030 goals within the next seven years, a critical hurdle stands in the way. The ramifications of inefficiencies linked to obtaining a police record reverberate...

COVID-19 impact study receives UWI Principal’s special award
AT THE recent UWI Principal’s Research Awards Ceremony, a study, titled ‘The Socio-economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 and Policy Options in Jamaica’, conducted jointly by the United Nations Development...

Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie and Mrs Thelma White
Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie and Mrs Thelma White on their recent publication "Giving critical theoretical and evaluation practice context to ‘Testing, Testing’ in Jamaica." Authors...

New publication from Dr Kevin Williams
Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Williams on his latest publication.
Kafour, N and Williams, K. 2023. A source of funding for illicit activities or a solution to crime? Evidence from remittance...

Researcher: Adjustments must be made to Equal Opportunity Act
Dr Bephyer Parey, an educator and researcher at the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) at UWI, St Augustine believes greater effort should be made towards people with...

The Scholarship Review Committee of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies is pleased to announce that it has awarded four Masters scholarships under the Global Partnership Network,...

London School of Economics names building in honour of Sir Arthur Lewis
A Jamaica Gleaner article by Erica Virtue/Senior Gleaner Writer
... Lewis in 1979 won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics and served as an economic adviser to many international commissions and to...

Congratulations to Dr. Holger Henke and Professor Fred Reno
The book, New Political Culture in the Caribbean, co-edited by Dr. Holger Henke and Professor Fred Reno has been nominated in the Political and Social Sciences Non-fiction category for the 2022 INDIES Book...

Recent publication from Dr Kevin Williams
Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Williams on his latest publication.
Williams, K. (2023). “The impact of trade on schooling over the last five decades in developing countries.”

24th Annual SALISES Conference - Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts | Concept Note
The University of the West Indies (The UWI) commemorates its 75th anniversary in 2023. In celebration of this landmark event, The Sir Artur Lewis...

Condolences to the family and friends of the late Ambassador Dr Richard L. Bernal
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), The University of the West Indies (The UWI), Mona, regrets the passing of Ambassador the Hon. Dr Richard L. Bernal on January 4, 2023...

Give disabled people employment says UWI scholar
Chair of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) Disability Studies Research Cluster at the UWI Dr Bephyer Parey recommends a disability employment database to be established...

Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie the 2022 Awardee for the UWI/Guardian Life Premium Teaching Award
Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie the 2022 Awardee for the UWI/Guardian Life Premium Teaching Award, the most prestigious award for teaching available at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus....

Recent publication from Dr. Arlene Bailey
Congratulations to Dr. Arlene Bailey on her latest publication.
Book chapter
Pschetz, L., Bailey, A., Rankin, J., Enright, J., & Wilson, M. (2022). Designing with...

Article entitled "The globalization of the health-care industry: Opportunities for the Caribbean" by Ambassador Dr. Richard Bernal reached 900 reads
Way to go, Richard!
Your article reached 900 reads
Achieved on October 14, 2022

Educators honoured at UWI/Guardian Group Premium Teaching Awards 2022
ST. AUGUSTINE, Trinidad and Tobago. Friday October 7, 2022 – It was a night to remember as three outstanding lecturers from the St. Augustine campus of The University of the West Indies (The UWI) were...

Congratulations to Dr Bephyer Parey
Congratulations to Dr. Bephyer Parey, recepient of the 2022 UWI/Guardian Group Premium Teaching Awards.

SALISES Virtual Forum takes on Gender-based violence
Article published in UWI Today, Sunday, September 18, 2022
- ...

Condolences to the family and friends of Ms. Neva South-Bourne, MPhil Social Policy Candidate
The SALISES Family would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the late Ms. Neva South-Bourne, former MPhil/PhD student at SALISES. She started the MPhil/PhD programme in...

Professor Don Marshall participated at the 9th Latin America and Caribbean Conference on Social Sciences
Professor Don Marshall participated on the panel ‘Understanding reality, designing policies: the role of the Social Sciences in addressing the aftermath of the pandemic’ at the 9th Latin America and...

Caribbean Court of Justice driving regional integration, says political scientist
Since the inception of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), the appellate court has heard 232 cases of various types from the four countries, Dominica, Barbados, Guyana, and Belize, and 33 cases had been...

SALISES visited the Bishop Anstey High School (St Hilary's) to thank the students and teachers who participated in SALISES Sixth Formers' Webinar on the Life and Work of Sir Arthur Lewis
SALISES visited the Bishop Anstey High School (St Hilary's) to thank the students and teachers who participated in SALISES Sixth Formers' Webinar on the Life and Work of Sir Arthur Lewis. Dr. Godfrey St....

Poverty and disability linked says UWI scholar
Facing the possibility of a global recession, rising food prices and an ageing population, a scholar at the University of the West Indies, Dr Bephyer Parey wants more to be done to protect the disabled...

Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie on the release of co-edited book - Critical Caribbean Perspectives on Preventing Gender-based Violence
Book Description
This book explores the widespread problem of gender-based violence in the Anglophone Caribbean, exploring reasons for its perpetuation and proposing viable policy...

Sir Arthur Lewis Virtual Distinguished Lecture (Lecture and recording)
Sir Arthur Lewis Virtual Distinguished Lecture: Sustained Economic Recovery Post-Pandemic - The Lewis Model, presented by CARICOM Secretary-General Dr Carla Barnett (...

Seeking sustained economic recovery in CARICOM
The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALESIS) hosted its distinguished lecture on Tuesday, April 26, which was delivered by CARICOM Secretary General Dr Carla Barnett. Her topic...

Bernal sees scope for remittances, hospitality investment but bearish on exports
Bernal sees scope for remittances, hospitality investment but bearish on exports

Recent publications from Ambassador Richard L. Bernal
Recent publications from Ambassador Richard L. Bernal, Professor of Practice, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies at the University of the West Indies, Mona.
- “Does Fidel...

Ambassador Richard Bernal, giving his address during the commemorative activities for Commonwealth Day 2022
President of the Royal Commonwealth Society, Jamaica chapter, Ambassador Richard Bernal, giving his address during the commemorative activities for Commonwealth Day 2022 celebrated on March 14, in a...

Condolences to the family and friends of the late Professor Selwyn Ryan
The SALISES Family would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the late Professor Selwyn Ryan, former Director of SALISES, St. Augustine.
Professor Ryan passed away on...

Congratulations to Jovan Johnson
Congratualtions to Jovan Johnson, SALISES Alumnus on winning Journalist of the Year, 2021. We at SALISES are extremely proud of you and would like to wish you continued success. Keep up the great work you...

Congratulations to Keenan Falconer
Congratualtions to Keenan Falconer, SALISES Alumnus. Recipient of the Prime Minister's National Youth Awards for Excellence in Academics, 2021. We at SALISES are extremely proud of you and want to send our...

SALISES Policy Brief Issue 4 - January 2022
SALISES Policy Brief Issue 4 entitled "Rural Development and Rural Non-Farm Enterprise Interventions in Jamaica: Policy Lessons from Three Case Studies" now available online....

Recent publication from Professor Aldrie Henry-Lee
Congratulations to Professor Aldrie Henry-Lee on her recently published book chapter entitled "The COVID-19 Pandemic - Childhood Inequalities Unmasked in the Caribbean."

SES Journal Book Sale
Social and Economic Studies Journal Book Sale. 30% OFF selected hard copies in Store. Final Sale Price - JA$1,750. February 3-28, 2022 at Publications Unit, SALISES, 6 Ring Road, UWI Mona,...

Apply now SALISES MSc Development Statistics programme
Statistics tell a story of who we are. They provide a foundation for impacting decisions geared towards improving our future well-being. This programme provides practical, advanced training in the...

Interview with Dr. Arlene Bailey on Socioeconomic Impact Assessment (SEIA) study on Jamaica
Interview with Dr. Arlene Bailey, Senior Fellow at the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) on the UNDP/SALISES/CaPRI 2021 Socioeconomic Impact Assessment (SEIA) study on...

Interview with Dr. Patricia Northover on Food Security
Interview with Dr. Patricia Northover, Senior Fellow at the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) on Food Security leading up to the SALISES 22nd Annual Conference held on...

Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie on winning the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) 2021 Research Impact Awards
Congratulations to Dr. Dacia Leslie on winning the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) 2021 Research Impact Awards for her article Reassessing Conditions of “Prison” in Jamaica published in...

Ms. Tricia Elder receives the Jack Harewood Award
Ms. Tricia Elder receives the Jack Harewood Award from Prof. Hamid Ghany, Director, SALISES, St. Augustine for being the Most Outstanding Student who graduated with the M.Sc. Development Statistics in 2020...