Dr. April Baptiste

Associate Professor Environmental Studies and Africana and Latin American Studies

About Dr. April Baptiste

April Karen Baptiste is an associate professor of Environmental Studies and Africana and Latin American Studies at Colgate University. Her research interests includes: environmental psychology, environmental justice, and natural resource management. Her primary region of research is the Caribbean while her second region is Central NY. She has published in a number of leading environmental, Caribbean and interdisciplinary journals including Caribbean Geography, Geoforum, Area, The Black Scholar, and Environmental Conservation to name a few. She is also author of multiple book chapters on environmental issues and climate change in the Caribbean. She is co-editor two special issues: one in Geoforum on “Climate Justice and the Caribbean” (2016) and the second on “Knowledge, perceptions, concerns, and behaviors to climate change” (2018) published in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Her most recent book is Revitalizing Urban Waterway Communities; Streams of Environmental Justice (2018). April’s new research is expanding to look at environmental movements in the insular Caribbean with a lens to understand how groups mobilize around environmental problems.

Areas of Interest

concerns and behaviors
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Get in touch

http://aprilbaptiste.com; @akbaptis


Country of residence

United States

Countries of operation

Trinidad & Tobago


Some of my recent articles. I can share a full CV if needed Thomas, A., Baptiste, A.K., Martyr-Koller, R., Pringle, P., & Rhiney, K. (2020). Climate Change and Small Island Developing States. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 45, 1 – 27. doi: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-environ-012320-083355 Rhiney, K. & Baptiste, A.K. (2019). Adapting to Climate Change in the Caribbean: Existential Threat or Development Crossroads? Caribbean Studies, 47 (2), 59 – 80. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1353/crb.2019.0014 Baptiste, A.K. & Devonish, H. (2019). The manifestation of climate injustices. The post-hurricane Irma conflicts surrounding Barbuda’s communal land tenure. Journal of Extreme Events, 6(1), 1 -17. doi: 10.1142/S2345737619400025 Baptiste, A.K. (2018). Climate change knowledge, concerns, and behaviors among Caribbean fishers. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 8 (1), 51 – 62. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-017-0434-9 Baptiste, A.K. & Thomas, A. (2018). Knowledge, perceptions, concerns and behaviors – Moving forward in the Caribbean context. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 8(1), 99 – 103. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-017-0463-4 Thomas, A. & Baptiste, A.K. (2018). Caribbean Knowledge, Awareness and Perceptions of Climate Change: An Introduction. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 8(1), 39 – 41. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-017-0462-5 Kagel, M. & Baptiste, A.K. (2017). A Framework for Collaborative Climate Change Research, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 7, 301 – 309. doi: 10.1007/s13412-016-0380-y Baptiste, A.K. (2016). What Do We Know About Climate Change: The Jamaican Pedro Cays Fishers' Case, The Black Scholar, 46(3), 40-51. doi: 10.1080/00064246.2016.1188355 Baptiste, A.K. & Rhiney, K. (2016). Climate justice and the Caribbean: An introduction. Geoforum, 73, 17 – 21. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10. 1016/ j. geoforum. 2016. 04. 008