

A new Caribbean Resilience and Recovery Knowledge Network (CRRKN) has been set up with funding from the UK Global Challenges Research Fund with the aim of transforming post-disaster recovery in the region through forward planning and by learning from past experiences. The project was started in September 2019, and is being implemented by an international team through the Disaster Risk Reduction Centre at the University of the West Indies, Mona.

Our Purpose

Our purpose” to reflect “The network supports regional efforts to address the challenge of ad hoc and short term research by scientists on disaster recovery, that is not well connected to policy and practice.

This is being done by bringing together diverse stakeholders (from the Caribbean and the UK) to partake in collaborative spaces, innovation and learning processes. It will nurture respect and thought leadership, and seek to broker new knowledge in addressing recovery challenges


Forensic Workshop

Where policymakers, practitioners, community representatives and scientists present evidence on disaster impacts and recovery from previous events.

Caribbean Comeback Podcast

Five intriguing episodes focusing on the following topics: Education, Climate Justice, Resilient Communities, Leaving No One Behind, and A Future by the Sea. Have a listen as some of our CRRKN members dive into their research and experiences.

Latest Updates

Knowledge Sharing


New publication out by CRRKN member Dr. Bynoe on Recovery from Volcanic Events.

Member Updates


Welcoming new member Simone Lee, who is a PhD student studying DRR in Jamaica.