About Ms. Marie-Christina Dankmeyer
Christina Dankmeyer is a Social Policy Specialist at UNICEF’s Office for the Eastern Caribbean Area in Barbados. Her work focuses on making social protection systems more adaptive to be able to prepare for and respond to shocks, such as hurricanes. Prior to joining UNICEF, she served as an advisor to the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the area of social protection on behalf of GIZ. Christina also worked with FAO for several years, where she coordinated the development of the organization’s Social Protection Framework and provided policy support to countries on the use of social protection to improve food security and nutrition. She also worked with WHO on social determinants of health, as well as with GIZ in Cambodia and the Philippines on different aspects of social protection programming.
Areas of Interest
Shock-responsive social protectionDRM
climate change adaptation and mitigation (esp. links to social policy)
Small Islands climate change vulnerability
disaster risk management (and financing)
forecast-based action
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Country of residence
BarbadosCountries of operation
Anguilla,Antigua & Deps,
British Virgin Islands,
St Kitts & Nevis,
St Lucia,
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines,
Trinidad & Tobago,
Turks and Caicos