Mrs. Cecilie Marisa Clarke-Marshall

Coordinator: CADRIM CoE

About Mrs. Cecilie Marisa Clarke-Marshall

A development professional with 30, years’ experience involving an in-depth understanding of development and sector issues in the Caribbean. My professional skills include; programme development and coordination, planning, monitoring and evaluation of multi-country, multi-disciplinary and multi-donor programmes at the regional and national level. I currently work at the IFRC and head the knowledge management and learning arm of the Caribbean office-Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Cell of Excellence (CADRIM CoE). Currently working in Climate Change Adaptation, Community Resilience Building, Disaster Management and Ecosystems -based approaches for DRR and Climate Change.

Areas of Interest

SIDS Risks and Vulnerability
measuring community interventions
Community based DRR
ecosystem-based approaches
building community resilience

Get in touch cecilie20188464, @risa8464;


Country of residence

Trinidad & Tobago

Countries of operation

Dominican Republic


 Kishore, R., C.M. Marshall, H. Ramsundar, G. de Souza, H. Haylock, and J. Finlay. 2006. Political organization and socio-economics of fishing communities of Trinidad and Tobago, Belize and Grenada. In: Coastal Resource Management in the Wider Caribbean: resilience, adaptation and community diversity. Edited by Yvan Breton. Kingston: Ian Randle Jamaica and International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. 265p.  Kishore, R., H. Ramsundar, and M. Clarke-Marshall. 2008. Description of the fishery system of fishing communities from Ortoire to Guayaguayare, Trinidad. 253p. International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada.  Kishore, R., H. Ramsundar, and M. Clarke-Marshall. 2008. Fisheries Co-Management Framework: A Case Study of Fishing Communities from Ortoire to Guayaguayare, Trinidad. International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada. 85p. Currently involved in a pilot project which is a joint collaboration with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), IFRC and the Red Cross National Societies in Jamaica, Grenada and the Dominican Republic (