Selected research and consultancy projects (2019 ongoing, Principal Investigator). GCRF project ‘Future proofing Caribbean fisheries from hurricane impacts: linking fisheries resilience and disaster risk management in Dominica’. Focusing on social (particularly well-being and health), and cultural aspects of recovery and resilience for small-scale fisheries in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. (2018 ongoing, Consultancy). Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme, Blue Ltd. Maritime Economy Plans for 17 Commonwealth Small Island Developing States. (2018, Consultancy). Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme, CEFAS. Hurricane impacts on Caribbean small-scale fisheries (Dominica & Antigua and Barbuda). (2016-2018, Senior Researcher) GCRF funded project exploring ‘Historical trajectories of risk, exposure, governance and tenure to build resilience to multiple hazards in Small Island Developing States’ (Dominica & Vanuatu). Historical archive and social science field methods, and analysis for risk modelling, with the Overseas Development Institute, Risk Management Solutions Ltd., and CEFAS. (2010-2014, Senior Researcher). EU FP7 ‘Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment’ (FORCE) project: methods design, data collection and analysis; supervising and training students and researchers (UK & overseas). With the University of the West Indies (UWI) Barbados, and Integrated Marine Management Ltd., Exeter, UK. Fieldwork in Barbados, St Kitts and Nevis, Honduras and Belize. Journal articles Barclay, J., Wilkinson, E., White, C., Shelton, C., Forster, J. et al. (2019) Historical trajectories of disaster risk in Dominica. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10 (2) 149-165. Turner, R., Forster, J., Fitzsimmons, C., Gill, D., Mahon, R., Peterson, A., & Stead, S. (2018) Social fit of coral reef governance varies among individuals. Conservation Letters, 11:e12422. Forster, J., Turner, R., Fitzsimmons, C., Peterson, A., Mahon, R., & Stead, S. (2017) Evidence of a common understanding of proximate and distal drivers of reef health. Marine Policy, 84, 263-272. Jordan, A.J., Huitema, D., Hilden, M., van Asselt, H., Rayner, T., Schoenefeld, J.J., Tosun, J., Forster, J. & Boasson, E. (2015) Emergence of polycentric climate governance and its future prospects. Nature Climate Change, 5, 977-982. Turner, R., Fitzsimmons, C., Forster, J., Mahon, R., Peterson, A., & Stead, S. (2014) Measuring good governance for complex ecosystems: Perceptions of coral reef-dependent communities in the Caribbean. Global Environmental Change, 29, 105-117. Forster, J., Lake, I.R., Watkinson, A.R., & Gill, J.A. (2014) Marine dependent livelihoods and resilience to environmental change: A case study of Anguilla. Marine Policy, 45: 204-212. Forster, J., Schuhmann, P.W., Lake, I.R., Watkinson, A.R., & Gill, J.A. (2012) The influence of hurricane risk on tourist destination choice in the Caribbean, Climatic Change, 114: 745-768. Forster, J., Lake, I.R., Watkinson, A.R., & Gill, J.A. (2011) Marine biodiversity in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories: perceived threats and constraints on environmental management. Marine Policy, 35: 647-657. Books and chapters Jordan, A.J., Huitema, D., van Asselt, H., Forster, J. (eds) (2018) Governing climate change: Polycentricity in Action? Cambridge University Press, 389 pages. Open Access. Jordan, A.J., Huitema, D., Schoenefeld, J.J., van Asselt, H., Forster, J. (2018) Governing climate change polycentrically: Setting the scene. In: Governing climate change: Polycentricity in Action? Jordan, A.J., Huitema, D., van Asselt H., Forster, J. (eds) Cambridge University Press, 389 pages. Open Access. Jordan, A.J., Huitema, D., van Asselt, H., Forster, J. (2018) Governing climate change: the promise and limits of polycentric governance. In: Governing climate change: Polycentricity in Action? Jordan, A.J., Huitema, D., van Asselt H., Forster, J. (eds) Cambridge University Press, 389 pages. Open Access. Turner, R.A., Gill, D.A., Fitzsimmons, C., Forster, J., Mahon, R., Peterson, A., Stead, S. (2018) Supporting enhancement of stewardship in small-scale fisheries: perceptions of governance among Caribbean coral reef fishers. In: Viability and sustainability of small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean, MARE Publication Series, 570 pages. Selected consultancy and project reports Shelton, C., Forster, J., White, C., Conlon, S. (2018) Hurricane impacts on Caribbean fisheries. Report for Cefas under the Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme, 60 pages. Mumby, P.J….Forster, J….et al. (2014) Towards reef resilience and sustainable livelihoods: A handbook for Caribbean coral reef managers. University of Exeter, Exeter, 172 pages. Townsley, P.,…Forster, J. et al (2014) Guidance on supporting processes of livelihood enhancement and diversification. FORCE project report, Integrated Marine Management Ltd. (IMM), UK. Peterson, A.,…Forster, J., et al (2014) Future of reefs in a changing environment: an ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change. Barbados country profile. FORCE project report. Equivalent reports for FORCE case study counties: Belize, Honduras and St Kitts and Nevis. Forster, J. (2009) Coastal Management POSTnote 342, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.