About Dr. Judith Wolf
My research interests are in the physical oceanography of coastal and shelf seas, including tides, surges and waves in coastal sea areas, and atmosphere-ocean-wave-seabed-coastal interaction processes, focusing mainly on the NW European continental shelf. Some of the topics I have investigated include tide-surge interaction, 3D current structure in shallow seas, finite difference modelling, wave-tide-surge interactions and the imaging of surface waves by microwave radar. I have been involved in developing and validating coupled hydrodynamic-wave models and the application of numerical models to coastal impacts of climate change, and tidal energy. Most recently, I also have research projects in the South China Sea and the Caribbean, exploring natural coastal defences and the impacts of climate change for Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Areas of Interest
Disaster Recovery and ResilienceResearch into storms
Small Islands climate change vulnerability
Impact & adaptation scenarios
surges and waves
Country of residence
United KingdomCountries of operation
China,Saint Vincent & the Grenadines,
Trinidad & Tobago,
United Kingdom