Applied research as relates to delivery of specific projects Climate Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Resilience Building (Mitigation and Adaptation) : Develop National Safe School Policies, Assess School Vulnerability to Hazards and Develop Costed Action Plans In Dominica, Saint Lucia , Antigua and Barbuda, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Barbados. Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) .2019 Technology Needs Assessment in Jamaica within the Framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Paris Agreement . UN Environment and Technical University of Denmark. 2019 Regional Scoping Study for Private Sector Investment in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Ministry Economic Growth and Job Creation /Climate Change Division. 2018 -2019 Hazard and Vulnerability Assessments and Climate Change Adaptation Plans for Fifteen Communities in the Rio Minho Watershed, Jamaica. IADB-PPCR-Government of Jamaica .2018-2019 Climate Hazard Vulnerability Assessment and Preparation of DRM Plan - Treasure Beach Community, St. Elizabeth Jamaica, Do Good Jamaica /Environmental Foundation of Jamaica.2018 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation, US Virgin Islands , 2017-2018 Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment and a National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan, St. Kitts and Nevis 2014-2015 Comprehensive Gap Analysis to Assess the Status of OECS's Secretariat and Member States in Terms of Land Management, Institutional, Technical and Human Capacity, and to Identify Suitable Climate Change Physical Adaptation Pilot Interventions in Each OECS Member State. OECS,2015 Development of a National Adaptation Strategy to Address Climate Change in the Water Sector for the Country of Antigua and Barbuda 2014 Strengthening of Environmental Management Authority’s (EMA’s) Institutional Capacity for Environmental Management in the Context of Climate Change, Trinidad and Tobago 2015 Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) Project on Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in the Eastern Caribbean – (OECS) 2013 – 2014 Environmental and Social Management Framework Specialist – World Bank funded Investment Project in Strategic Program for Climate Resilience, Jamaica, 2013 Regional Training Workshops In The Conduct Of Vulnerability And Capacity Assessment (VCA) Studies In Caribbean Countries. Workshops conducted for Southern and Northern Caribbean Countries Disaster Risk Management Update of the Index of Governance and Public Policy (IGOPP) on Disaster Risk Management, Jamaica. Inter American Development Bank (IDB) 2018 Development of National Response Framework and Mitigation, Shelter and Relief Policies, OPDM, Trinidad and Tobago 2009-10 Preparation of a Disaster Risk Reduction Training Package for the Agriculture and Tourism Based Sector, Jamaica Jamaica Social Investment Fund. 2011-2012 Interagency Emergency Response Plan, to strengthen the preparation of the United Nations system in Belize to handle humanitarian response to disasters. UNDP 2008 Preparation of a Disaster Risk Reduction Training Package for Agriculture and Tourism Based Sector. Jamaica Social Investment Fund. 2011-2012 Development of National Response Framework and Mitigation, Shelter and Relief Policies, ODPM, Trinidad and Tobago under EU funded project 2010 Disaster Risk Management Capacity Assessment, 3 Year Results-Based Framework and Work Plan, for Government of Guyana. and preparation of UNDP Project Document for implementation support to the Government . UNDP, 2009. Evaluation of Disaster Management Programme,1998-2006. Caribbean Development Bank. Conducted in association with Baastel, Lte, Canada. 2008 Early Recovery Strategy, Tropical Storm Gustav, Jamaica , UNDP, Jamaica, 2008-2009 Caribbean Reducing Disaster Risk Report - Concept Paper. UNDP/CRMI. 2007 Evaluation of Inter- American Development Bank Immediate Response Facility (IRF) ,The Bahamas. 2007 Comprehensive capability and capacity assessment of the disaster management mechanism in Dominica and preparation of enhanced CDM strategy . CDERA/UNDP, 2007 Caribbean Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction . – Matrix of Risk Reduction Initiatives for Regional Report. ISDR 2007. Participated in Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. ISDR, Geneva, Switzerland June 2007 Comprehensive capability and capacity assessment of the disaster management mechanism in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and preparation of enhanced CDM strategy . UNDP 2006-2007 Evaluation and Enhancement of the Caribbean Comprehensive Disaster Management Strategy and Framework, CDERA, Barbados 2006-2007 Natural Risk Preventive Management - Program Design And Costing for the Bahamas., Commonwealth of the Bahamas , 2006 . Program submitted to the Inter American Development Bank for Funding. Outline Framework for Multi-Hazard Plan, Tourism Sector, Ministry of Tourism, Barbados, May 2006. Disaster Risk Reduction, Infrastructure Loss financing and Economic Development : the Case of Grenada and Jamaica. Inter-American Development Bank Regional Policy Dialogue. April 2006 Participated in UNDP Bureau of Crisis Prevention Conference Rethinking Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Reduction 2005-2015, Geneva, Switzerland , February 2006 Outline Framework for Multi-Hazard Plan, Tourism Sector, Ministry of Tourism, Barbados, May 2006. Developed Disaster Management Strategy and Plan, Ministry of Tourism, Republic of the Maldives. UNDP funded programme. July-Aug 2005. Prepared Proposal on behalf of Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Response Agency (CDERA) for Regional Public Goods Program - Regional Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Tourism in the Caribbean. Submitted to the InterAmerican Development for Funding. Proposal successful. Evaluated performance of the Response Capability of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas to the hurricane impacts of 2004. Funded by UNDP, Jamaica. Designed and implemented Training in Natural Hazard Mitigation Planning for public sector decision-makers in Grenada, St Lucia and Belize. 2003-2004 (funded by the Caribbean Development Bank Developed Regional Comprehensive Disaster Management Strategy for the Caribbean. UNDP/USAID/OFDA/CDERA. 2001. (Served as Disaster Management specialist on three person team)